busiest weekend ever.

Last weekend was super busy…but in a good way.  This is why I’m just getting to blogging about it on Wednesday.  Ooops.  Oh…and I just wanted to make a little side note, but I wanted to say that I don’t blog about my weekends to be show-off-y or all “look what I did!”.  I blog about it because this is a place for me to record my life and keep track of all my photos and experiences and I have the absolute WORST memory ever so this helps me remember things :).

Now…on with it….


Coolest fashion show ever.  Set on the rooftop of Hotel Deluxe (Craig and I stayed here in this room the first night of our honeymoon – it’s very old Hollywood glam and basically rad).

Getting fancy with friends.

Pretty local wares.

Beautiful ladies of the runway.

And the evening was completed with tacos.  YUM!

Convinced Craig to take me to the beach!

Marley was super excited.
She thinks we should move to the beach.

check out what happened to 
my giant ice cream cone here.

It was gloomy at the beach…warm but gloomy so we didn’t stay very long before heading back to the 90 degree weather in Portland.

Later we had dinner with our friends John & Dana and then tried to go bowling.  It was $15 per person! WHAT???  So…we skipped bowling and just ate more ice cream instead. (*Note how similar John looks to the super happy kid on the cup).


Heart Roasters before church.
Their toast is amazing.

Then later I went to Porque No with my friends Liz and Jose…and then Ben & Jerry’s (since obviously I hadn’t had enough ice cream already this weekend….).


I told you it was a busy weekend!

What did you guys do this weekend?
What are your plans for this next weekend?

Hope you have a lovely day!



  1. What a great weekend you seem to have had! I love the skirt on that model! What ice cream flavor was that pretty yellow scoop? I adore German Shepherds!!! Your adorable and again making me miss Oregon. Ok, I’m done gushing.

  2. wow…I love your outfits…and your white skirt the day of the fashion show is fab! i love the picture of Marley on the way to the beach. We can’t get our dog to sit in the back of the car to save our lives. she thinks she’s “entitled” like that. and that’s A LOT of ice cream 🙂

  3. what a fun weekend! and your outfit is runway material! love the mix 🙂

    and dates to the beach with your amore

    and cute local dives.

    a great weekend indeed, showy or not 😉 (i tease cos i thought it was cute you said that)


  4. looks like a great weekend…busy but great! i especially love your saturday beach photos…marley; oh so happy to be at the beach! very cute.

  5. Where did you find the tiered white skirt? You look beautiful, little beauty!

    I can’t wait for winter… candy cane Blizzards!!

  6. so much ice cream! sounds like the best weekend, ever! i love your leather vest, well, actually i just love your entire fashion show outfit.

  7. Lo! that sounds like such a fabulous weekend! I LOVE your outfit that you wore to the fashion show! so adorable! actually i love all of the outfits you wear. i love your style. it’s awesome. and i am glad that you had lots and lots of ice cream this weekend! those make for the best weekends. I want to take Moses to the beach. he is afraid of water right now but i think that if he saw other dogs jumping or playing near the water he might be less afraid!

    OH and $15 for bowling??? WTF?? on tuesday nights there is a bowling alley around here that charges like $5 for a game and shoes, and then .50 a game after that! if you ever come visit here we will have to do that!

    sean and i are still hoping to come out there sometime! his brother should be moving near there in the fall so it would probably be later this year! but how cool would that be?

    anyway, miss you lovely. hope you guys are doing fantastic!!

  8. I love the beach pictures, so much fun! Looks like a great weekend Lauren!

  9. wow!! you were a busy bee!! looks like a fantastic weekend though!! 🙂

  10. That fashion show looks phenomenal! And your outfit is super adorbs!

  11. You look like you have a super good time all the time. Let’s be friends. 🙂

  12. Where did you get your purse in the beach pics?? I love it!! Is it Fossil? Seriously, every time I see that cone of ice cream, my mouth waters. No joke. PS-I always want to make ice cream one word, but then the dotted red line of death underlines it. I really think it should be one word..

  13. Sounds like you had an awesome weekend. Love the pictures, especially of Marley — what a cute dog! 🙂

  14. I wish I could have spent the weekend with you! Looks like so much fun.
    You looked gorgeous at the fashion show.

  15. (for the record i never think you are being show offy. it’s nice to see what other people so, say, like, remember, document. keep it up…)


  17. let me just say: i have the leopard shoes you wore on friday (as well as the shoes Jamie is wearing) AND i have the belt you wore on Saturday!!! Hahaha! I have GOT to figure out how to find a fashion show. That is like totally what I’m into…. Ian would probably even go with me! I had a much less glamorous weekend… I attempted to go camping from Saturday to Sunday and it was the worst night of my life…..

  18. Aww I love it!!!!! I adore your fashion show outfit! And all the delicious food you ate is making me hungry!!!

  19. A fashion show/anything on a rooftop sounds amazing to me! Dude did you see the calves on the woman walking up the stairs in that pic of just you?! I’m pretty sure her calf could beat me up. Por Que No is my fave…the carnitas tacos with their chips and guac is pretty much the best meal ever!

    PS- you can never have too much ice cream!

  20. That all looks so fun, especially the fashion show–geez! I live really close to beaches, but it’s San Francisco so you never really know when it’s gonna be gloomy. You’ve made me want to go right to that coffee shop and get some coffee & delicious toast, and I’m going to pretend not to be jealous that you can eat so much ice cream and stay so skinny!

  21. i think it’s super smart that you’re waiting til monday!
    you have these plans, and you know that you’re not going to be wanting to restrict yourself at all this weekend.
    have fun! and then monday, be ready! i know you will. 🙂

    i think the taking pictures of your food idea is a really good one.
    i might have to apply it to my own!
    can’t wait for your new blog, girl.


  22. Oh my gosh, that fashion show looks like it was a blast! I haven’t been to one for years… might have to see when the next one is 😉 As for those studded booties? LUUUV ’em!! Now if I could only get my hands on a size 8!

  23. I just came across your blog today, and it’s great. I live in Portland too, and it’s great to see what other little treasures Portland has that I have never heard about!

  24. girl did you knock off that icecream on purpose!? that hotel seems awesome!
    and you ladies looked so HOT!
    and i am so glad you are doing a seperate blog for fitness and eating! Jacob and I are too. a couple one. to take embarrassing photo’s everyday (body shots)
    and log everything!!!! xo
    love you!

  25. Love your outfits! so cute.

  26. I can’t think of a better portland weekend! the Crave show looked amazing. It’s fun to find a blogger like you who has such great perspective because it’s like having an even better set of eyes at these events!

  27. you look so pretty in your fashion show outfit! i can’t wait until we have another one here. they’re so fun! what is the name of the designer of the jewelry with the big wooden slabs? it looks really pretty!

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