the dude abides.

This weekend I got this adorable little sweater for our baby girl at a consignment sale.

A big part of the draw was that it reminded me of Jeff Bridges sweater in The Big Lebowski.
Similar, no?
I think we might have to call her “The Dude” or at least “Little Lebowski” when she wears it. 
Oh man.
I’m totally becoming a nerdy mom – geeking out over my kids’ cuteness and she’s not even here yet.  I apologize in advance for any more of this nerdiness that may occur henceforth.  I blame it on the hormones.


  1. So cute! Great find.

  2. eek, that sweater is sooo adorable!!!

  3. That IS an adorable sweater. Too bad it didn’t come in mommy size as well!

  4. Ha ha…love it. You should just get it over with and name your baby girl Lesbowski.

    Do it. Do it now.

  5. bah ha ha ha…favorite movie of all times. The dude abides indeed. love this post. thanks for the laugh. xo

  6. That sweater is adorable.

  7. This one in particular warmed my heart. You’re a Lebowski, I’m a Lebowski…”

  8. omg Lauren please call your daughter The Dude – that is the cutest thing ever!

  9. Lauren, I love it! You can put her down for a nap and say “good night sweet prince(ss)”

  10. That sweater is super cute! You can call her the Dudette.


  11. Totally similar! I love it!

  12. that is one adorable sweater.

  13. That is the cutest little sweater!

  14. so cute!

    love it!

  15. The sweater’s amazing!

  16. love it! super cute 🙂

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