my favorite thing about today #19.

My favorite thing about today was not walking down my street in the pitch blackness at 6:00 this morning.
My thoughtful husband changed the light bulb on our lamp post so it wouldn’t be dark for me when I leave for work. I never remember to do those kind of things. Little things like this make me love him more each day.
Thanks husband. xoxo.


  1. what a sweetheart! seriously, that is so nice. you have an awesome husband 🙂

  2. Aww…that would make me happy too! I am way too afraid of the dark.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Aw what a sweetie!

  4. craig’s such a sweet hubby! u’re so lucky dear!

    give him a big big hug and a sweet sweet kiss 🙂

  5. Hi again! Ellie over at Rainy Day Templates ( actually designed the template for my blog. She’s amazing and has tons of adrable stuff =-)

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Aww, this makes me want a thoughtful husband one day!!
    I love how you love your married life. Please don’t stop telling us about the wonderful things!

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