my favorite thing about today #4

My favorite thing about today was that Craig made me get out of bed and go to church even though I protested kicking and screaming.
This may not seem like something to be happy about, but really it is. I don’t always feel like going to church. OK…let’s be realistic here…I fight him on it practically every Sunday. BUT… he’s always right when he says I’ll be glad I went later. Because I am. It’s like he knows me or something. We both know we don’t have to go to church, but I always feel reenergized and excited about my faith after going.
Thanks for making me get my lazy bum out of bed this morning husband.


  1. haha, okay i swear this is my life every sunday. i feel exactly the same. but then after i go, i am always glad i did. but it is still very hard for me to want to get out of bed and be there by 1:20. is that pathetic? or awesome? i’m gonna go with awesome.

  2. Oh man. I’m jealous. We go to church at 9! So early……..

  3. Good thing you have Craigy Poo. Get your self to church you little turd! 🙂

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