what i wish i was doing.

Today will entail:
*Finishing up a few crafty presents
*Wrapping up a bajillion presents
*Making 3 batches of peppermint bark
*Making a giant vat of Paula Deen style artery clogging mashed potatoes
*Also making Paula Deen’s bread pudding (goodbye skinny jeans…I promise we’ll reunite after the holidays…)
*Going to Christmas Eve Dinner at the in-laws
I do like Christmas…don’t get me wrong, but really, this is what I wish my itinerary looked like instead:
“First we’ll make snow angels for two hours, then we’ll go ice skating, then we’ll eat a whole roll of Tollhouse cookie-dough as fast as we can, and then we’ll snuggle.”

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas Eve!


  1. i really hope you get to do that extra special second to-do list, also. 🙂

  2. Merry Christmas!!! hope its an amazing one! 🙂

  3. If it makes you feel any better, I’m stuck at the office today.

    Have a wonderful Christmas!

  4. You are going to be a busy little Beaver today. At the end of all of your hard work of baking, making, and wrapping, will be happy faces from the happy recipients of your labor of love, and you feeling good about all you got done. I do love your dream list of things that you would rather be doing, perhaps some day…

  5. i love love love elf!!!
    have fun with all the baking!!

  6. I think your skinny jeans are hanging out with mine in skinny town
    ps thanks for commenting on my guest post at bonbonrose! Following now!

  7. haha i love you! this is what i want to be doing too! seriously, i am watching this movie again. i have to. it is the best. and don’t worry! we will not get a puppy from the pet store! have no fear! you can sleep at night now 🙂 i have heard horror stories too about that, and would never be able to get one there. too sad!

    i hope you have an awesome christmas lauren! i will let you know if i get my puppy 🙂 haha, maybe send a letter into santa explaning how i have been a good girl for me…i think he will believe you!

  8. haha–Elf makes me laugh so much! Even if I watch it twice in the same day…which I did earlier this month, it is just so cute and funny!

  9. I LOVE ELF. THAT is probably my favorite line from it!!!

  10. I love Elf! Good luck getting everything done! Have a wonderful Christmas!

  11. have a happy christmas eve! and try to do some of those extra special things on your second list 🙂

  12. Merry Christmas dear!!! I hope it is wonderful!

  13. Merry Christmas right back at you, beautiful!

  14. i know it’s busy, but i bet you’ll feel so proud after it! if it’s any consolation, i’m not any better today, but i’m on meds. i think the singing and drinking last night made it worse. but, oh well. it’s too hard to not be festive this time of the year. and i love will ferrell in elf!

  15. ha! that is so true—all i really want to do is make snow angels and snuggle with with hot chocolate.

    p.s. sounds like you makes some delightful treats. (i’m totally an artery-clogging-potato-girl at heart.)

  16. that sounds so fun! I hope you have a merry merry Christmas Lauren! xox

  17. Hahaha. Yes, all holidays should consist of that nice list. You have a wonderful blog here and I’m very happy to have stumbled upon it.

  18. I hope you had a Merry Christmas! Don’t we all wish Christmas could be like Elf?

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