things i’m loving.

Today I am loving:
This song.
I’ve listened to it like 20 times.
So innovative.
This sour patch commercial.
I love sour patch kids.
My favorite candy hands down.

Baby monkeys.
I seriously want one.
How cute would it be if we got one and let it ride Marley like a horse.  We’d have to get her a mini-saddle, but I’m sure that could be easily arranged :).
OK.  That is all.



  1. A monkey! Oh goodness, that would be just too darn cute! Santigold is very good.. I love the song unstoppable!

  2. I want a baby monkey too!!

  3. I LOVE that Sour Patch commercial. Heck, I love all of them. And now I totally want some candy.

  4. that monkey is so cute. My Lucy would hate this little fella!

  5. Haha. That would be awesome.

  6. i love sour patch kids!
    they’re one of my top favorites.

    josh and i have talked before about how neat it would be to get a monkey.
    i want a little marmoset.
    you should search “finger monkeys” on google images.
    you won’t be disappointed! 🙂

  7. that’s the first time i’ve seen the sour patch – lol! that thing is a bit creepy!
    santogold is one of my “dance around and clean the house & not be bummed about it” albums.

  8. So good, I love that song too. 🙂

  9. I love sour patch kids too, and the sour fruit! they are my favorites… that monkey is cute! make sure you train it not to throw poop though, they do that! ha ha ha!

  10. All of those things! I love Santogold. I mean Santigold. Did you know she changed the spelling of her name? I’m still used to it having two o’s so the new spelling doesn’t look quite right to me.

    The Sour Patch Kids commercial is cute, but I think I like the girl who gets her pigtail cut off better. I don’t know, they’re all funny 🙂

    Ah! And my mama used to have a little monkey. He was a marmoset named ChiChi. Cute little thing, but he hated me for some reason… every time I walked into the room he would turn around and try to…. um, projectile pee on me. I wasn’t his biggest fan.

  11. My husband always jokes about how he’d like to put our cat onto our dog to ride like that monkey–saddle and all. I can’t wait to show him this picture! Funny.

  12. Those Sour Patch Kids commercials are always funny. They’re kinda jerks.

  13. I hadn’t heard of Santogold before but she totally sounds like MIA. Happy Sunday!

  14. I blast that song anytime I hear it! 🙂 And Sour Patch Commercials make me wish I could own a big plushy one! Do they make those? If they don’t, they should definitely invest in doing so.

  15. Hahah. I really laughed out loud at your comment about getting the baby monkey a saddle. Wow. SO adorable. I don’t know of anything adorable so far in life. Anyway, also liked the SPK commercial! Alot! Happy Sunday!


  16. Those Sour Patch commercials are the best!

  17. Cute monkey hahaha…

  18. I always joke that it would be fun to have a pet monkey… somehow they seem like they’d be fresh though! You made me chuckle. xo

  19. Monkeys are so scary. But I like the song!

  20. LOL! this last photo just makes me smile and laugh, a lot!! i would love to own a baby monkey too haha!

  21. hahahah that commercial! love it!
    get a monkey!!!!! 🙂
    haven’t touched base with you in a while! hope you are well lauren!!!

  22. now you made me want a baby monkey too! i could just eat it up 🙂

  23. oh my gosh, haha. I hadn’t seen that commercial yet, made me laugh out loud. and the baby monkey!! awww

  24. hahaha that sour patch kids commercial is awesome!

  25. OMG. That’s all I have to say about the monkey on the dog.

  26. HAHA! That monkey just made me laugh out loud.

  27. hah so cute! i’d love to see marley with a little monkey friend!

  28. creator’s aawesome!~
    it’s even better live 🙂

  29. I saw that little monkey at the rodeo this year, he’s cute! 🙂 Whiplash I believe is his name!

  30. that’s my absolute favorite song off that cd! in the two years (or however long it’s been out) i’ve had the cd, i’m surprised it hasn’t gotten worn out!

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