music to have babies to.

(The title of this post,“music to have babies to” should NOT be confused with “music to make babies to“.  These would make for two very different soundtracks.)
Today over at Babble I posted my birthing playlist.
Here’s the upbeat portion of the list….

Head on over to Babble to see Part Two of my birth mix,
Then let me know if you have any “must add!” song suggestions for me.



  1. hahaha music to MAKE babies to was exactly what I “read” until I actually READ it. haha

  2. Such a cute idea!

  3. haha your disclaimer cracked me up!

  4. Great playlist! And Making vs Having HAHAHAHAHA

  5. I have to admit.. I’ve never thought about what a list like this would entail. Some of the suggestions seem unusual! i suppose I’ve seen too many movies where it’s only super chilled music… Anyway, love the selection!

  6. They asked if I wanted to listen to music while I was pushing. I said I didn’t care. I honestly have no idea if there was music or if the tv was on. I was too concentrated on pushing to pay any attention. I think soothing music while going through contractions would definitely be useful though. I like your choices, they are mostly songs I would listen to on a daily basis anyway.

  7. loved the disclaimer… so true!

    i heard this song and thought I’d recommend it. perhaps a soothing “post-delivery” tune to listen to as you fall in love with your little lady?

    angus & julia stone – love will take you

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