busy weekend.

After unpacking my weekend away 
and feeling like I barely made a dent, 
it’s time for a rest.
Hope your weekend was filled with things far more exciting than unpacking!



  1. We’re moving at the end of the month so I will soon feel your pain too! Moving has to be one of my least favorite activities EVER, but after it’s all finished it feels so great!


  2. Today’s my day off and after sleeping in I bet anything I’ll also be taking a nap later!

  3. Oh I love that print!
    I think I am going to put it by my bed!

  4. Did you guys get all of your lighting choices figured out?

  5. I’ll be honest – and maybe this just shows how much of a nerd I am! – I’ve always really enjoyed unpacking. There’s something so satisfying about getting rid of all those boxes and getting your new place set up!

  6. Tag! You’re it! Check out my latest post for an explanation!

  7. Sleep does solve everything! Get some rest, lady!!
    xo Heather

  8. phew! I bet! rest up and relax! my personal vote: bubble bath and fashion magazines!:-) always makes me feel better! xoxo

  9. Oh goodness – I am moving at the end of the month and dreading all the unpacking and sorting that will need to be done … but a fresh start is always good!


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