i heart food carts.

Craig harasses me endlessly about my love for downtown Portland food carts. I’ll admit they look a bit sketchy sometimes, but the end result is delicious gourmet-esque food in my belly at prices that are often a fraction of those at brick and mortar restaurants. My new favorite is “Built to Grill” located at SW […]

What $30 gets you.

Today I made a stop at my absolute favorite thrift store: Red, White and Blue. If you don’t mind a bit of digging it’s a complete treasure trove. Here are my finds of the day…. glasses case fun shoes cute canisters toothbrush holder Kid’s dress shirt, Michael Kors Belt, & pearly acorn necklace bud vase […]

reasons i love my husband and think he’s the greatest.

Husband: I think you are great. Here is why. …You are much better at baking yummy things than I am. …You just gave me a card to open and read while you were in the other room. …You never buy me roses and always get me the most lovely weed-y bouquets. …You get me Sour […]