apple streusel muffins +

barnes & noble $25 giveaway and a great cause.

I have a prediction that I will one day have  a little librarian on my hands. Ever since we decided on the name “Fern”, my brother-in-law swore that we were going to have a little librarian on our hands and as far as I can tell from her interests so far, he may be right! […]

fill in the blank friday.

Happy Friday! I could not be more excited that it’s Friday today and all I want to do is rest and relax! Aaaaand…what better way to do so than with some blanks? (OK…trashy TV and ice cream would be pretty relaxing too…but OK. Blanks it is!) 1.  One thing I plan on doing to relax […]

spontaneity is good for the soul…and your marriage.

This is Craig and I about 6 or 7 years ago. We look so young and in love! I don’t mean to imply that we’re not in love now. We definitely are, but it’s just different now. It’s easy to keep things exciting and fun when you’re young and dating. But, once you’re married for […]

a cozy fall’ish weekend.

Last week was super busy for me. I’ve been doing some wardrobe styling, so most of my week was spent running around gathering things up and Fern spent a lot of time hanging out with my mom (my own personal au pair who I am so thankful for!) so I could get things together. So, […]

let’s get real.

I was thinking the other day…. Sometimes it’s so easy to get caught up in blogging. It’s so easy to get caught up in the lives of others and so easy to start playing the comparing game and so easy to start feeling like you are inadequate and like everyone else’s families and closets and […]