his & hers.

Today’s his & hers  (inspired by the posts over at Hooray Design and Pure and Nobleis all about things we dislike.  I tried to make lists of favorites, but apparently Craig is much better at disliking things than he is at liking things, so I just decided to go with it :).


biggest pet peeve:  “You asking me questions for your blog.”

most hated food:  meatloaf

most despised type of music:  country

chore to avoid:  dishes

worst trend imaginable:  Uggs

idea of the worst vacation:  the beach


biggest pet peeve:  bicyclists that don’t follow the rules of the road

most hated food:  enchiladas

most despised type of music:  techno

chore to avoid:  laundry

worst trend imaginable:  overalls

idea of the worst vacation:  the desert – I hate being hot.

Do these questions with your boyfriend/husband/partner and learn something new about each other or see what you already knew :).



  1. Your Craig sounds JUST like my craig!

  2. You hate enchiladas? That’s even possible?? lol

    This is fun… I’m definitely going to see if I can rope my husband into this today.

  3. Ooh! I love this! I can’t imagine a man who doesn’t love meatloaf… My hubby could seriously eat it every day and it’s unfortunately one of those foods I’m totally apathetic about. When I make it he’s STOKED and I couldn’t really care less either way. Haha!

    I loved reading these! I’ll definitely pin down that husband of mine and ask him these questions! I can’t wait to hear the answers!

    <3 MuffinLovesBiscuit

  4. hilarious! My fiance’s pet peeve might be the same thing if I asked 😉

    And WOW no enchiladas?! Thats one of my fave bad-for-you foods!

  5. Sorry Craig doesn’t like being asked questions for you blog, because I love reading both your answers!
    Just last week I was looking for questions to ask my boyfriend in a letter. I was looking for a set of Q’s we could pass back and forth. This is perfect!

  6. ha! i like this one a lot. i’m going to see if my man friend will also participate. thanks 🙂

  7. haha! fun! I definitely agree with most of those love-to-hates. I’ll keep it a secret as to which ones I love love:-) xoxo

  8. Very cute! I sent the questions to my hubby, I hope he responds so I can do up a post like yours.

    How can anyone hate a beach vacation?

  9. I’m totally on board with Craig on the Uggs comment although overalls are not great either. This would be fun to try with Jeremy.

  10. So funny. I can see Craig muttering all of those answers to you looking quite angsty.

    I’ll have to ask John these questions. Curious what he’d say!

  11. That was cute 🙂 I decided to get my guy to play along too! xx

  12. I love posts like this. haha, and I love that he said he hates when you ask him questions. That’s totally something my husband would say just because he wants to get back to whatever he was doing. I hate being hot! It’s soo hot today!

  13. This is too cute hehe.

  14. what a cute idea! i can’t wait to go over these with my hubby :]

  15. loving your new blog look! this is such a cute idea. i am definitely going to play along and do this with my boyf.

    i am so with you on the bicyclists pet peeve. bicyclists in boston are always on the sidewalk, even where there is a bike lane. i got hit by a bike when i was walking to a final junior year of college! it hurt and was also mortifying! haha.


    lamb loves

  16. what a great blog! wonderful post. 🙂 if you are in the mood for some yummy food check out my most recent post. your mouth will water. 😉

    follow me?

  17. thanks for the shout out. love your list! xo

  18. I love this! I’ll have to do it with hubby gets home from the gym 🙂 Thanks!

    Mrs. Thompson

    Adventures in Teaching

  19. I’m with Craig on the chores-I hate dishes. But I’m with you on the music-techno is the worst!

  20. “bicyclists that don’t follow the rules of the road”

    I couldn’t agree more! I’ve ranted about this several times to my friends. Sorry, but if you expect me to share the road then follow the rules! If I don’t get to roll through a red light than neither do you! Ok, rant over. 🙂

  21. This is so adorable! I’m with you on everything except the enchiladas 😉 Love your blog!!

  22. hahahahah this is so interesting! 🙂

    will do this to one day hahaha

    LOL at his biggest pet peeve

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