fill in the blank friday.

It’s Friday!!!

As I say every week it’s my most favorite day of the week.  The possibilities that Fridays hold are endless.  The weekend just seems so flled with potential and possibilities.  I heart Fridays.  And I also heart that you guys come here and join me for “fill in the blank fridays”.  Thanks guys.  You make me happy.  Let’s blank it up!

1.   One of life’s most simple pleasures is     a PB&J sandwich and a glass of milk  .

2.    Waiting on hold for elevendy billion years when I call to make a doctor’s appointment      makes me want to punch someone.

3.  I like   my husband    because,    he is cute  .

4.    toggle   is a funny word.

5.  If I had to choose one beauty product to use for the rest of eternity it would be    Moroccan oil. You can use it for your hair, face, skin…anything. And it smells like heaven .

6.  I’m happy that    I get to sleep in tomorrow    .

7.  I would never     choose to publicly speak to a group. There would have to be a really good reason for it or some serious cash.  I freaking hate speaking in front of groups. I’m not super shy or anything, but for some reason I always turn all sorts of shades of pink uncontrollably. Not cool    .

Happy weekending!



  1. Haha, I’m one of those freaks that actually likes speaking in public. Weird, I know.

    Happy weekend Lauren!

  2. Sleeping in is one of my favorite things to do on the weekend! Enjoy!!

  3. I’m with you on #7! I turn several shades of pink when in front of people, too. And my voice shakes. A lot. =|

  4. no. 3 made me giggle! 🙂

  5. yeah, I’m not a fan of public speaking either. and I actually said I wouldn’t mind teaching dental hygiene in the future. whaaaat?! my boyfriend asked me if I’d really be able to stand in front of 20-some people and lecture and I said “well, sure, if they’re dental hygiene students”. 😛 we’ll see about that.

  6. Just found your blog today! I love it. Congrats on your little girl. I have 10 month old twin daughters- I hope your baby will bring you all the joy my girls have brought me!

    Added you to my reader. I am grateful to have found another blog to read!

  7. I despise public speaking. I’m not a shy person either but put me in front of a group of people? Oh no. I stumble over words, get really hot, and turn pink. I do not miss presentations from school. At. All.

  8. I hate public speaking too! I despise it.

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