pregnant modeling.

Apparently I might have a future (for the next 5-6 months anyway) in pregnant modeling. Remember when I told you about {that busy day} I had where I was supposed to be doing both wardrobe styling and hair and makeup for a photo shoot? Well, the model that I was supposed to be styling got […]

a week in posts.

In case you’d like to catch up on my pregnancy journey from this week…. {my first “bump photo”} The photo quality and my enthusiastic expression are incredible, I know. Here are some posts from this week: My favorite non-diaper bags (you’ll like them even if you don’t have to carry diapers!) What I plan to […]

the doctor dilemma.

Today I wrote about my doctor dilemma over at Babble. In a nutshell, Craig and I have some decisions to make: Hospital birth V.S. Home birth V.S. Birthing Center Doctor V.S. Doula V.S. Midwife I have an appointment at both the doctor’s office and a birthing center today, so we’ll see how it goes.  There […]