real mama life: a girl and her daddy.

I’m participating in this week’s Real Mama Life with Le Petit Reve sharing a little snippet of real life with littles. If you want to join in, go check it out!This weekend we went to the beach. While we were there, Fern proved yet again that she really is part fish. She couldn’t resist the […]

a weekend in the woods.

Sunday was mine and Craig’s five year anniversary…and to celebrate we spent the weekend in the woods. We headed to Suttle Lake with my parents. This may seem unromantic, but it was actually super perfect because I’m still nursing Fern and can’t get away for a weekend without her yet and going with my parents […]

the best laid plans.

Sometimes the best laid plans go astray. Like when you wake up planning to go to church on a Sunday morning and are greeted by a disastrous dog mess of epic proportions all over your living room carpet (apparently Marley had some gastrointestinal issues during the night that we failed to hear). We ended up […]