how to….make a fabric banner.

*Side note…I have a little list up over at A Diary of Lovely today.  Check it out if you have time!* Today’s guest blogger is the lovely Kjrsten over at Have a Cute Day.  Kjrsten is a super stylish fellow Oregonian whose style is perfect in that “not-trying-too-hard” kind of way that just makes her […]

how to….make flourless chocolate cake a’la olivia!

Today’s guest blogger is probably one you already know and love.  She is queen of the kitchen and I’m forever drooling over the delicious concoctions she whips up over at her blog Everyday Musings.  One you may have already cooked up that I’m dying to try (but keep forgetting about every time I go to […]

how to….turn dirty hair into pretty hair.

The first guest blogger for my  “how to….” series is  a girl who I absolutely adore.  I always joke about how all of us bloggers probably seem way more interesting on our blogs than we are in real-life.  That’s not to say that we’re liars or anything, but I think we all just tend to […]

how to….

So…. I had an idea. I’ve been wanting to have a recurring guest blog series.  My idea is this…. all of you have some knowledge to share.  For example…I can entertain kids like nobody’s business, but I’m not great at baking.  I can come up with handmade presents in the blink of an eye, but […]

marriage: making it work #6.

On today’s agenda: awesomeness with Sean & Chloe.   Chloe Ashby is one of my most favorite people that I’ve never actually met. She’s hillarious and I live for reading about the adventures of the everyday variety that she and Sean have together. While these two are new to this whole marriage thing, I think […]

marriage: making it work #5.

(*Note:  blogger is still being lame which = weird spacing.  Sorry again.  This will probably happen tomorrow too.) Kassi of Bacwoods Fern is someone I’ve become fast friends with. She is the absolute total package. She is a thoughtful wife and a wonderfully fun mommy to three cute kids, creative crafter, and on top of […]