dear husband.

Reason #583: Why I love my husband…. He gets real excited about us having matching Sperry’s and makes us stop to take pictures of our matchy-matchy feet in the middle of restaurants. Dear Craig, You are cute.  And I love you. Happy Valentine’s Day…..even though you hate it.  Don’t worry….I promise I’m not just saying […]

a series of unfortunate events.

This weekend was  a series of unfortunate events. -I got locked out of my house. -Lost my car key. -Dropped my iPhone in a puddle. -Got in a car accident. Not the most fun ever. BUT…. Looking at the bright side….. -I went to Zumba & I’m kicking butt at healthy holiday eating – down […]

3 years ago today.

3 years ago today….I married my very best friend. Since then we have had our ups and downs.  Marriage is a lot more work than I ever imagined.  BUT…it’s also a lot more rewarding than I’d ever imagined.  I love so many things about being married, but more importantly I love so many things about […]

a thoughtful husband.

I am thankful for…. A thoughtful husband. Sunday he went snowboarding for the first time this season.  He went by himself as he often does, but I always worry about him, because he doesn’t wear a helmet and he goes off jumps and whatnot.  Anyway, right after he left I sent him a text that […]