seriously you should watch this.

A little something to brighten your Monday… This little film (just under 8 minutes) is rad – sweet and funny and totally brilliant. For this movie, producer Bianca Giaever asked a six-year-old what her movie should be about – this is what he said… the Scared is scared from Bianca Giaever on Vimeo. xo Lauren

my favorite thing about today #65.

My favorite thing about today was…. The “birth”day crown my preschoolers made for Fern. In our class when it’s someone’s birthday they get to make a birthday crown and one of my students decided that Fern needed one, because, “On the day she hatches out of you it will be her birthday!  When she comes […]

function has officially triumphed over fashion.

Many of you have expressed that you enjoyed my pregnancy outfit posts. Well, you may have noticed that I haven’t done one of those posts in quite some time.   This is the reason: (Hello giant baby bump!) At 37 weeks pregnant I am feeling less than stellar about my body and basically nothing fits. […]

monkey see. monkey do.

Kids make me laugh. They are such little sponges and they just want to do whatever the adults around them are doing. Case in point…this photo: {The faces are blurred out because I obviously can’t circulate photos of children on the internet without their parent’s permission.} I was sitting on this exercise ball at the […]

kids say the darndest things.

Kid stories are my favorite,so here’s one that I thought was too funny not to share…. The three and four year olds in my class have been interested in the human body as of late.  We’ve talked about the five senses and how our bodies have different systems – circulatory, skeletal, muscular, etc…  Obviously their […]