what fern wore #13.

Here’s what Fern wore for a typical day running errands…(*Please ignore any unfinished molding and baseboards…I would typically weed out photos with crap background like that, but these days I’m just happy with any photo where Fern stops moving for two seconds and that isn’t completely blurry. Actually…I even included a couple blurry ones, because […]

life unstaged.

I don’t have the prettiest Instagram feed in all the land. But, I generally stick to posting photos that are in pretty light and that have at least some element of composition to them. My photos are usually semi-staged, since I figure no one wants to see 20 pictures of Fern crawling away from me […]

out and about on the interwebs.

I always forget to share what I’m working on over at Babble and Disney these days, so I thought I’d update you real-quick-like in case you want to check it out. Basically you’ll just be in for a whole lot of Fern cuteness, a bit of snark and some real cute DIY inspiration…so if you […]


Lately… Fern and I decided that Thursdays should be headband days. OK, mostly I decided because my hair looked like crap and it needed a quick fix. Also…I’m not so sure the suburbs was ready for this gypsy look. We instituted “French Toast Saturdays”. It’s the only day of the week when we’re all up […]

our year in review…later than everyone else’s.

I realize that everyone else shares their year in review blog posts on December 31st or January 1st… But, I’m not quite that organized, so I’m sharing mine on the 2nd. Blogger fail. But, we’ve been sick, so I’m ok with it. This year… I birthed a human (feel free to read my birth story […]


Over the weekend Craig, Fern and I went to the beach with our friends Echo and Andy and their sweet girls Poppy and Alomae. Fern loves when these girls are around  – the next best thing to having sisters of her own – and we love just doing life with their sweet family… Including moments […]