friday finds: 6.21.13.

Hi friends! We all made it to Friday! Congrats…the weekend is nigh! Here are a few of my favorites from the week…starting with this girl. I can’t even handle how cute she is as Little Lebowski…AKA: “The Dude”. I’m hosting an Instagram Challenge called Littles In Costume (#littlesincostume) and it’s given me an amazing excuse to […]

wish you were here: 4.26.13.

If you missed it last week, I’ve decided to dedicate my Fridays here to sharing things that I’m loving out and about on the interweb (read all the details about these posts here). Feel free to share photos, links, whatever – anything that you wish we could all enjoy! Then link your post back using […]

out and about on the interwebs.

I always forget to share what I’m working on over at Babble and Disney these days, so I thought I’d update you real-quick-like in case you want to check it out. Basically you’ll just be in for a whole lot of Fern cuteness, a bit of snark and some real cute DIY inspiration…so if you […]

killing time til christmas.

If you are one of those people who is super prepared…and had all of their Christmas shopping done in November and already has everything wrapped and sitting pretty under the tree, then I would like to say two things: 1. I am super jealous of you. I am currently finishing up all the last minute […]