i wanna grow old with you.

Things making me happy this morning: Old people in love. Aren’t they the cutest?  I can’t wait to be old and in love!  OK…maybe I can wait for the wrinkles & Depends, but still….the being just as in love as we were in our 20’s part…. that, I’m excited for ♥. {via}

my favorite thing about today #4

My favorite thing about today was that Craig made me get out of bed and go to church even though I protested kicking and screaming. {via} This may not seem like something to be happy about, but really it is. I don’t always feel like going to church. OK…let’s be realistic here…I fight him on […]

my husband loves me.

Craig hates picnics. But, he loves me. So we had a picnic date at the park today and it was lovely. I’m pretty sure even Craig had a little bit of fun :).

reasons i love my husband and think he’s the greatest.

Husband: I think you are great. Here is why. …You are much better at baking yummy things than I am. …You just gave me a card to open and read while you were in the other room. …You never buy me roses and always get me the most lovely weed-y bouquets. …You get me Sour […]