mid-century monster.

I’ve been bitten. By the Mid-Century Monster. What, you might ask, is the Mid-Century Monster? Well….it is being bitten by a love for all things Mid-Century Modern.  I’m about to sign myself up for a subscription to Atomic Ranch!  Considering that I live in a ranch house, it’s definitely a good thing that my design […]

like a shotgun.

This weekend Craig described me as follows: “You’re like a shotgun.  You shoot all your little bullets at once and then take a really long time to reload and shoot again.” This is pretty accurate. I’m kind of unmotivated in general when it comes to tasks around the house.  I’ll go as long as humanly […]

two things i love…around my home.

So…my lovely friend Kassi over at Bacwoods Fern has a recurring post on her blog called “Two things I love around my home” and she asked some of us to participate.  So here’s my post about two things (okay… three… I cheated) I love around my home…… {item #1} This is a painting Craig did […]

we’re going on a tree hunt.

Today we went on our annual tree hunt.  We went into the beautiful woods of Mt. Hood National Forest with tree tags in hand and cut down the lucky tree for a whopping $5!  It’s fairly gigantic and sort of quirky….it’s actually one tree that branches off into two :).  Here’s our adventure and some […]

"green" interior design.

So…. I care about the environment. I really do. I use reusable grocery bags, rarely buy bottled water and I recycle. I even try to incorporate eco-friendly living in my home decorating…. but not really because it’s green (that’s just a bonus). I love repurposing in my decorating. It’s something I’ve always loved. Even when […]

"Can we fix it? YES WE CAN!"

You know you spend too much time with preschoolers when you know the songs and punch lines to children’s shows that you’ve never even seen. But I sort of felt like a female version of Bob the Builder this weekend, so I thought this title post was appropriate. Two weekends ago Craig ripped out our […]