outfit post: not my birthday suit.

This is what I wore on my birthday. I’ve gotten out of the habit of taking outfit shots, so sorry there aren’t any close-up shots.  I sort of forgot.  I’ve been dressing rather like a slouch these days with nothing in my closet fitting quite right (thanks Baby).  So, for my birthday I did a […]

outfit post: summer sun and eyelets.

I’ve received a lot of feedback that you guys missed my outfit posts. Well, the reason for the lack of them was “first trimester bloat” and it’s real….oh it’s real.  Apparently nobody felt it useful to tell me about this pregnancy menace, but it can totally make you feel like a fatty.  Despite having not […]

favorite pins.

I had a relaxing weekend. So relaxing in fact that I decided to extend my weekend and take Monday off from blogging.  It was Memorial Day after all!  This weekend I did some street style scouting for Urban Weeds, some eating with friends and an inordinate amount of pinning on Pinterest.  If you’ve been living […]