little things in the kitchen: my husband’s homemade chocolate sauce.


a healthy recipe that my husband actually liked.

I can’t remember if I mentioned it here, but I’m working on finally losing this baby weight. The good news: I’ve lost 8 pounds! The bad news: Finding healthy meals that I can eat and that Craig will actually like has been a bit of a challenge. But, I found a winner this past weekend […]

out and about on the interwebs.

I always forget to share what I’m working on over at Babble and Disney these days, so I thought I’d update you real-quick-like in case you want to check it out. Basically you’ll just be in for a whole lot of Fern cuteness, a bit of snark and some real cute DIY inspiration…so if you […]

what’s cookin good lookin.

In the past couple of months I’ve finally settled back into a routine of making dinner regularly. For awhile it was quite a challenge to balance the tasks of motherhood and the tasks of working from home…so much so that my house was a disaster and meals were a sorry state (unless Craig cooked, which […]

deliciousness in 7 ingredients or less.

You may not know this about me, but cooking and I have a love/hate relationship. I LOVE food. I LOVE the satisfaction of having made something delicious myself. BUT… I HATE the prep I HATE when things don’t come out quite right. I HATE long lists of ingredients!! I like meals that are simple and […]

banh mi sandwiches from scratch.

I love banh mi sandwiches. My favorites are from Double Dragon here in Portland and I’d never attempted to make them before, but I was feeling ambitious Sunday afternoon and decided to make them for my family.  They took FOREVER (mostly because I’m slow and the first time making something always takes longer), but they […]