marriage: making it work #3.

Today’s guest blogger is Lex from cupcakesniper. I have no idea how I stumbled upon Lex’s blog, but I am so glad I did. She is a beautiful woman who continually inspires me through her blog posts whether it’s through her fashion or her faith. She’s pretty much great. Lex and her husband and newbies […]

marriage: making it work #2.

Today’s guests are Lisbeth and Don. Craig and I met these two at a marriage class they taught at our church. These two have been married for quite some time and are definitely seasoned veterans (seasoned enough to teach a class on it!) whose character and marriage I deeply respect. I know they’ve got a […]

marriage: making it work #1.

Obviously I’m no expert at marriage, but since I’m having everyone else share their thoughts on marriage this week, I thought I might share a few of my own. So….this is me….answering my own questions…………. What’s your love story? I met my future husband Craig for the first time when I was in the 6th […]