weekends are lovely.

Weekends are lovely. Mine included…. My dad’s birthday dinner at our house.  Carnitas tacos, coconut cake and Gentlemen Broncos.  Craig and my dad thought it was hilarious, but while it had funny moments I just couldn’t get into it.  Maybe I wasn’t in the right mood.  Or maybe it was lame.   Birthday breakfast at […]

the happiest day of my life.

After reading the title of this post, you probably assumed that I was going to be blogging about my wedding day, or perhaps announcing that I am with child or that Marley had a litter of puppies or that I was just awarded a lifetime supply of hot chocolate with homemade marshmallows. Well….sorry to disappoint […]

what i did on my summer vacation: part 4.

After the Grand Canyon  we headed to L.A. First stop:  Griffith Park Observatory My parent’s met here and it’s been on my “life list” to go there for quite some time. The building and surrounding hilly views are absolutely breathtaking and the exhibits were SO cool!!! After the seeing the observatory we were super excited […]

for the love of socks.

I have currently been up for almost 19 hours. I woke up at 4:30 this morning to brave the Black Friday crowds for our annual sock shopping excursion. Fred Meyer (which is a one-stop shopping place here in Oregon….groceries, clothes, decor, toilet plungers, bird seed, exotic plants, etc…..) has a half-off sock sale every year […]