a crazy busy exhausting weekend.

The weekend is over. And I am still recuperating. I spent the weekend running around like a crazy person for my brother-in-law and my now sister-in-law’s wedding.  I styled the event – did all the decor and flowers for a large property and it turned out beautifully, but it was incredibly exhausting to do it […]

i wish this thursday was last thursday.

Today is Thursday. And I wish it were Thanksgiving again. So I could have the day off.  That would be lovely. Because I am tired. Instead…I’ll be running after preschoolers.  *Sigh*.  Here are some cozy places I would like to be napping though (instead of wiping up finger paint and boogers).  What I wouldn’t give […]

i’m super tired.

Today I am super tired. {feeling a little like Marley today} Where’s that magical second trimester spurt of energy I’ve been hearing so much about?  Maybe it skipped me.  OR…maybe I’ve been running myself ragged.  Probably the latter. So…today I am taking a rest. Maybe tomorrow too. I’ll be back later this week. Thanks for […]