a weekend in the woods.

Sunday was mine and Craig’s five year anniversary…and to celebrate we spent the weekend in the woods. We headed to Suttle Lake with my parents. This may seem unromantic, but it was actually super perfect because I’m still nursing Fern and can’t get away for a weekend without her yet and going with my parents […]

weekend happenings and a makeover.

Some of you may have noticed a new look when you meandered over here today… Well, that’s because over the weekend, I put on my big girl pants and figured out a bit of HTML code to tidy up this blog. It’s not anything drastic, and it’s probably super novice stuff for those who aren’t […]

a cozy fall’ish weekend.

Last week was super busy for me. I’ve been doing some wardrobe styling, so most of my week was spent running around gathering things up and Fern spent a lot of time hanging out with my mom (my own personal au pair who I am so thankful for!) so I could get things together. So, […]

little things.

This weekend I stopped to enjoy the little things… Things like…. …Rearranging the rooms in my house and decorating a bit. …Playing dress up with my baby. …Making food from scratch …Playing on the floor with Fern. And going on a date with my husband…dinner a movie and froyo…though I didn’t take photos, it was […]

spills and thrills.

This weekend was a busy one… Friday…. We went over to our friend’s Andy and Echo’s house for dinner and we ate like kings…seriously.   I haven’t eaten a serious BBQ meal like that in I don’t know how long!  BBQ chicken…corn on the cob…sweet potato salad…green salad with berries and goat cheese…corn bread and honey…delicious […]

tired but finding time for fun.

Fern has officially decided not to sleep anymore. This is my tired face. And this is her guilty face. It’s been pretty intense lately with the lack of sleep, but we still managed to have some fun over the weekend…. FRIDAY: We had over our friend’s Bobby & Lindsey for dinner.  I made Crockpot Chicken […]