reasons i love my husband and think he’s the greatest.


I think you are great. Here is why.
…You are much better at baking yummy things than I am.
…You just gave me a card to open and read while you were in the other room.
…You never buy me roses and always get me the most lovely weed-y bouquets.
…You get me Sour Patch Kids when we’re at football games.
…You always remember to put toothpaste on my toothbrush.
…You change the sheets. I hate doing that.
…You fix my car before it’s even broken!
…You indulge in sillyness with me.
…You can always make me laugh even when I’m pissed off at you. Actually, sometimes I kind
of hate that too.
…You always have some scheme up your sleeve and you never stop dreaming.
…You don’t measure things when you cook.
…You have lots of “manly” skills.
…You love being home as much as I do and you sometimes stay in pajamas with me all day.
…You know all my secrets and are my very best friend.
…You’ve seen me in every state of hair and clothing style (not to mention weight) over the past (almost) 8 years and still tell me I’m beautiful.
…You’re very handsome.
Husband you are my favorite and I’m glad to be stuck with you :).


  1. For some reason this post reminds me of many a conversation at day camp (while we were ignoring the children, of course). So glad we both married the loves of our lives.

    P.S. I was shoving all of the letters to Bry Bry while he was on his mission into sheet protectors the other day and came across a bunch of funny stuff we sent him from day camp. I recall one letter in particular where you were telling him you hoped we got married and have spirit babies. Mission complete. Haha.

  2. that makes my life. yay for your curly headed spirit babies :). i miss ignoring kids with you :(. too bad you can’t do that anymore…i’m guessing olivia’s a bit more needy than most 5 year olds.

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