baby hater.

OK. So, let’s start out with a confessional. I don’t like babies. Yeah, that’s right, I said it. They honestly just stress me out. While it is true that they may be cute to look at, that’s about where it ends. All they do is eat, sleep, poop and cry….and cry….and cry….and cry……….. Ugh! They can’t tell you what they want and I suppose that is the main reason why I don’t enjoy babies. This is why I work with three and four year olds who can talk.

Alright…with all this said, I may not like babies, but of course I’m not a baby hater. Gosh! What kind of a person do you think I am? There just happen to be things (maybe a lot of things) that I like much (MUCH) better than babies.

Like my iPhone. *Sigh.*

“No exaggeration…I could not love a human baby as much as I love my iPhone.”

-Chaz Michael Michaels “Blades of Glory” (*slightly modified)
I honestly have no idea how I ever lived without my iPhone. It keeps me from getting lost. I can google things on the spot to help me prove my rightness vs. Craig in a random debate. I can check movie times. Catch up on the latest celebrity gossip. BUT…two of my favorite apps (though not nearly as important as my google map) are “Feather” and “Shake it”.
Feather is rad. It’s a combination of a fashion and weather report. It costs $2.99 at the app store and you can put in your location and it will give you both the weather report as well as a photo of an appropriate outfit for the day. You can choose to buy the individual items in the outfit or just use it to inspire your own outfit (my method). So cool. Here’s what it looks like.

Now, “Shake it” is my real love. It takes photos (or you can use ones you already have) and turns them into polaroids! After you take the picture it spits out a virtual polaroid on the screen complete with old school polaroid sound effects. You then shake your phone and the photo slowly appears just like a real polaroid. Here are some I took.

Oh iPhone, how I love you!


  1. Finally, someone else who doesn’t like babies! People think I’m crazy when I tell them that.

  2. i am the exact same way. give me a kid i can talk to.

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