
Things that make me happy a-z.
(awesome letters by Jessica Hische can be found at Daily Drop Cap herebeware, this is addictive!)

lone time.

B onfires.

lean sheets.


E arrings.

F riends.

oodnight kisses.

and holding.

nside jokes.

J aunty old man caps.


ittle stolen moments.

M ornings when you can sleep in.

N othing special evenings spent together.

Old people in love.

P eople watching.

Q uality time.

R eading magazines and sometimes actual books.

S inging tv theme songs.

T rashy reality tv.

U underwear (brand new).

V altrex stories by Chloe.

W eddings.

Xray vision????

Y oung people in love.

Z oo dates.


  1. I love this! Seeing old people in love makes me really happy too. Also, so does trashy reality TV 🙂

  2. i enjoy all these things too! and zoo dates are the best.

  3. cutest thing ever!

  4. hahaha your V one made my day! hahahaha…

  5. what a nice list! and i love the lettering! (from that site that features a new letter every day?) I just hit a major wall of writers block, and i think i stumbled across your blog for some karmic reason that’s going to help me think of new creative writing ideas!thanks! p.s. adorable blog background! you shoud check out mine! http://lookingformypearl.blogspot.com i think we have some tastes in common 🙂

  6. oooh i saved these letters too! they are amazing aren’t they?

  7. you guys are lovely and make me happy. i should’ve put that for “b”….. Blog friends make me happy :).

  8. I love my letter 🙂 the c. Thanks for stopping by our blog because now we found yours!

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