for the love of socks.

I have currently been up for almost 19 hours. I woke up at 4:30 this morning to brave the Black Friday crowds for our annual sock shopping excursion. Fred Meyer (which is a one-stop shopping place here in Oregon….groceries, clothes, decor, toilet plungers, bird seed, exotic plants, etc…..) has a half-off sock sale every year so we go and stock up for the year. It may sound lame since we’re not out elbowing people over Tickle-Me-Elmo dolls or flat screen TV’s, but it’s a really good deal, and people don’t get super crazy like they do at other places. Socks are just one of those things I hate spending money on, so if I can get them half-off I’m all over it.

here’s a pair of my new knee socks in action.

After our sock shopping extravaganza my mom and I had breakfast. Then I came home to an empty house….apparently Craig thought I’d be gone all day so he decided to go snowboarding. Oh well. While he was checking out this view, my mom and I took mini-naps/watched “Keeping Up With the Kardashians”.
I can’t nap very well, so even though I was tired, I sat around watching TV. I tried to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade I’d DVR’d from the day before, but found out it’s really only interesting to watch on the actual Thanksgiving.
Once Craig got home I cornered him and got him to attack my html code to pimp my blog a bit. I was getting super sick of yellow polka dots. After that we had date night. Dinner at The Ram and then went to see “Law Abiding Citizen“. Check out our meal: Craig’s giant porterhouse steak v.s. my thai chicken salad. I’m pretty sure Craig’s meal won in the battle of the high cholesterol.
Now, we’re watching season 5 Project Runway on DVD because it FINALLY came from Netflix even though it’s been on our que for months. I’m super excited that we still have two more days of vacation! Hope you all do something fun!


  1. cute blog =)

  2. I love your socks! That reminds me, I have a lot of similar socks from my husband, I need to dig those out.

    I love Project Runway. Even my daughter does- have you seen those PR kits for children? They’re basically like fashion plates (if you remember those), but she’s totally into all of her “designs” right now 🙂

  3. oh that sounds fabulous! I agree with the macys thanksgiving parade. Spencer just made fun of it saying it was a big walking advertisement with mass “tradition” appeal and he didn’t see how you could have a tradition of watching jimmy deen sausage and that mean thanksgiving…haha, he kind of had me there. I didn’t know how to respond!!!

    Sock shopping sounds fun! I did some shopping too from the comfort of my couch. 🙂 It was wonderful!

  4. “Pimp my blog” – you’re so funny! Love the new layout!

  5. your socks are so cute!!! I hate spending money on things like socks, too. And YAY for Project Runway!! 😀

  6. I am a big fan of the new burlap…looks very nice in plac of your polka dots! Enjoy the rest of our mimi-vacation:) toodles friend.

  7. i want your socks! i love long knee high socks like that! they are my fave. i hate paying full price for them too! we used to have fred meyer around here but it is not here anymore 🙁 both of your dinners look so amazing. i am starving right now, but to lazy to get out of bed. maybe ill call sean from the other room and see if he will bring me some food. just kidding, i am not that lazy, i may just yell until he comes in here! 🙂 anyway, hope you guys are having a great weekend!

  8. I love sock shopping with my favorite sock shopping partner in crime. I always like to buy you a few of your favorite pairs that you don’t get to buy for yourself. The food looked delicious. I am sure glad that you both still make time for date night. It makes for a longer and happier marriage.

  9. you are crazy to get up that early… wow. i am in awe.

    pimped out blog looks great!

  10. i totally remember those fashion plates coralene! sometimes i wish i were a kid again so i could get to do fun things like that now. that fashion pr thing sounds super fun!

  11. Thanks for stopping by! Love your blog! I also love, love, love SOCKS, especially colorful ones {I have them in every season/holiday!}

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