my favorite thing about today #7

My favorite thing about today was that I realized I am never going to spoil my kids. Like… never.
I’m still sick, so I’ve spent the day lying on the couch watching TV. I’ve mentioned before that I have a weakness for bad reality TV, so it’s no surprise that I ended up watching my “My Super Sweet 16” and “Dallas Divas and Daughters”. I know….ridiculous. While watching Divas & Daughters, I saw this (*note: for some reason there’s a huge gap between the video and the rest of the post. I couldn’t figure it out.):

Seriously appalling. Then on Super Sweet 16 I watched some girl get a $100,000 Mercedes. Really? Whatever happened to driving a piece of crap that you’re going to end up wrecking anyway? Absolutely ridiculous.

So….sorry in advance future un-born children. Reality TV has ruined your prospects at ever having an experience like this:
Look forward to buying your own pre-loved vehicle by putting in some hard work at a first job I’m sure you’ll hate. Look forward to something like this:
Who says reality TV isn’t educational?


  1. haha yeah it is crazy! at cupcake (where i work) we made the cupcakes for a sweet 16 girl’s big mtv party, and she and her family were ridiculous! it gave us all a good laugh! xoxo

  2. Eugh. “Being mean makes it easier to get what you want”????? Horrifying!

  3. i’ve never heard of dallas divas and daughters! that clip is crazy. for my 16th birthday i was informed that i could borrow my mom’s car…

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