my husband was once famous.

So…today was Thanksgiving and it was wonderful. We went to my parent’s house for dinner and my mom is the absolute cutest. She went to great lengths to make sure Thanksgiving was as perfect as she could make it because she knows it’s my favorite holiday. She’s not really into domestic stuff (i.e. cooking, decorating, etc….) even though she’s good at it when she tries….it’s just not her thing, so I really appreciated her efforts that much more. Ooooh! AND… I also made these mashed potatoes. If you ever want to clog your arteries with something delicious this is the ticket. Paula Deen = lots and LOTS of butter, but soooooo good. I also added some rosemary and blue cheese crumbles to the recipe….bring on the heart attack. Here is documentation of my day.
pretty table decor.

my lovely momma and I.
my bro’s gf + my cousin = collage making pros.
the thanksgiving collages we made. maybe a fun new tradition.
husband and I. (*note: he shaved his head extra short….not my fave).
craig and my dad cuddling their fur babies.
my magenta tights had nothing to do with thanksgiving.
but I love them so and thought they deserved a picture.
After dinner we went over to the in-laws for dessert. I played “Up-Words” with my mother-in-law and Craig’s grandma and I won! I never win at games….ever. Maybe it’s because I’m super un-competitive…..maybe. Then we watched a VHS of old home movies and found out that my husband used to be famous (Finally! My post title makes sense! I bet you were starting to wonder….).
There used to be this show local to Portland called “The Ramblin Rod Show”. Kids could go be on the show and sit in the audience and Ramblin Rod would ask them questions and they always had a smile contest where the kids would all give their best grins and then they’d pick a few winners and give out prizes. Well….apparently Craig was a former smile winner! Here’s the proof:
That 5 year-old smile + awesome blue suspenders = total awesomeness. Quite possibly the best part of the day :).
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!


  1. love the magenta tights and glad you chose to post them! my hus shaved his head last night… i hate to see those curls disappear but at least he has a beard… which, in some odd way makes up for it in my mind. isn’t it cold in oregon… with snow? gosh, your hus’ head is going to be freezing!

    happy last ten minutes of turkey day!

  2. RAMBLIN ROD!!!!! I loved that show! I always wanted to be on it, but never was. That’s so rad that Craig was.

  3. ps. you look like alyssa milano in the pic with your hubby…cute cute

  4. ur thanksgiving celebrations sounded like great fun! congrats on ur win with the Up Words game! i sux @ games too and never really win; hopefully i’ll have better luck next time 🙂

    how interesting to watch ur hubby as a young kid in home made videos! i’d love an autograph frm the once famous Smile Winner please! ;D

  5. tres cute! those suspenders are just perfect!I think I had some green and red ones when I was little 🙂

  6. Haha! I wasn’t a smile winner, but I totally had my moment on Ramblin Rod telling some joke. I can’t even tell you how many calls I have gotten from agents wanting me to star is stuff since that day. Seriously–instant fame.

  7. haha that is so awesome about your husband! haha i love it. you are so cute lauren! i love your whole outfit! your family seems so awesome! hope you have a great weekend!

  8. awwww that is so adorable!!! I love that! also, your magenta tights are awesome.

  9. Kassi – it’s definitely cold here, although not snowing. but he has a season pass to go snowboarding, so i don’t know what he was thinking. his head’s going to be super cold on the mountain. i wish craig could grow a beard too. i love the shaved head + beard look, but his always grows in patchy :(. oh well………

  10. love your outfit! and those collages are neat. glad you had a good thanksgiving!! 🙂

  11. aww that is so cute! you guys are adorable together!

  12. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday too!
    High five to the collage idea, preatty neat one. I love fun traditions.

  13. Umm…you’re Thanksgiving looks fabulous! I love you’re tights and those shoes are too cute, like I expected anything less from you 🙂 That picture of craig and your dad is too funny…i love that Marley thinks she is a lap dog 🙂

  14. ha! marley totally thinks she’s a lap dog…probably more so than my parent’s dog who actually is a lap dog :).

  15. hey, i love the long comments! i really think that bangs are the reason i am getting them. the greasiness, plus waiting too long to wash my hair, plus the spraying of perfume in them so that they don’t smell like bacon? haha, i totally did that the other day before i got into bed, and sean was like “what the crap are you doing?” man, they just don’t get it. they can shower in like 2 minutes. for girls? it’s like a whole long process. i love being clean, but i just hate how long it takes to do the whole thing. shaving legs, washing hair, then drying, make up. all that stuff.

    anyway, we saw law abiding citizen last month. what did you think? sean loved it. i thought it was pretty interesting. crazy, but interesting! fantastic mr. fox? i have mixed feelings. the only reason being that when i am with sean in a movie? and i can tell he isn’t loving it? i get all uncomfortable. i don’t know why. i enjoyed it. it was definitely unique and different. i feel like i can’t see movies with sean, because if he doesn’t love them and i do? i get sad. he doesn’t like will ferrell movies. he didn’t tell me that until after we got married. he totally lied to me. i don’t know if it is something that is worth divorcing over, but it is pretty darn close. anyway, this comment ended up being longer than yours! thanks for the comment on my ring! i like it 🙂 do you have a pic of yours anywhere on here? if not, you should post one!

  16. haha i love it too! yeah that guy is crazy but so talented! and i usually just watch them alone and still sometimes with sean. he usually laughs with me but i can’t tell if it’s a pity laugh or what. oh well. also, i try to quote movies all the time, and he never gets it. sigh. marriage is hard 😉

    i totally pull the :it’s not healthy to wash all the time ” card too. sometimes i feel like my hair works better when its not super clean anyway!

  17. LOVE the new background…love that you love Kardashians… that picture of your little suspendered husband is just darling!!!

  18. Thanks for your kind words about me and especially that you enjoyed THANKSGIVING.I felt that all of our efforts to make it special for you were successful. My heart was truly happy to know that your heart was happy. Thanks for sharing Craig’s smile winner picture, too cute! The picture of Craig and your Dad with Marley and Oscar, too funny.

  19. omg! this post is adorable! You look like you had the best thanksgiving! you are absolutely beautiful I must add! and you guys look soo adorable together! So how does it feel to be married to a famous person 😀

    ohh and the magnet tights! Five stars!!
    I’m so glad you got to enjoy your favorite holiday extra special!

  20. hahahahaa! I dont know why, but seeing that picture of Craig on the Ramblin Rod Show just cracked me up….hahahhahaaa. WINNER! 🙂

  21. you are so pretty! I love your hair in those pictures and the picture of you and your mom is so cute!

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