something borrowed. something blue.

The lovely Mica of the siu jiat tagged me in this scavenging activity. I’m supposed to look around my house and find seven objects that are blue. Mica’s color was yellow which would’ve been much easier for me to find, but I have surprisingly few blue items in my home… apparently it’s not my favorite. Here’s what I’ve got:
1. Stack of blue books on my bookshelf (does having my bookshelf organized by color make me OCD….maybe. Am I OK with that? Yes).
2. Art Deco China plates from Craig’s grandma.

3. Quilted, stripey throw blanket
4. Blue tinted mason jar with my wedding cake topper in it. I got the topper at an antique store. The bride was blonde. I sharpied her hair. Now she looks more like me, no?
5. The random painted blue brick in my recycled brick fireplace.
6. Craig’s “World’s Best Husband” award on our fridge.
7. My trusty camelbak waterbottle that is like an extra appendage to me.
Now I’m supposed to tag other people, but I think I’m just going to throw out an open invitation to anyone who wants to do this. The color I choose is….. Green. Probably an easy one, but it’s ok. If you want to partake, find seven green items and blog about then and send me a message to let me know if you did it so I can see what you came up with!


  1. I think I’ll do this. i love the fact that you sharpied your cake topper’s hair 🙂

  2. haha ooo i have a green water bottle… i may have to do this.
    can i just tell you how much i love that you sharpied the brides hair? that is so awesome. i love the worlds best husband ribbon too. haha you guys are awesome.

  3. I loved all of your blue things. I think that my favorite ones are your blue mason jar with your antique wedding cake topper, and for some reason I like your blue water bottle/extra appendage(I can vouche for this fact, cuz I have seen you carry it everywhere with you).I am glad that you reminded us that water does a body good.

  4. i think the bride looks more like you 🙂

  5. i did it! i found 7 green items! it’s on my blog!

  6. you found your cake topper?? yay!!

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