weekend review.

Yesterday’s road trip to Pullman WA proved to be a great success. It was Craig and I along with my in-laws Mike and Sally and my brother-in-law Cory. The drive was long, the game was cold and I ate more crap than I think I’ve ever eaten in one 24-hour time period (Burger King for breakfast, pizza for lunch, panda express for dinner, plus a million snacks in between… ugh! My inner fat kid loved this trip…my waist line not so much. Gym….here I come!) but it was a fun time and the Beavers won (42-10). AND….not to toot my own horn, but I’m a pretty great travel companion. I’m really good at staying awake while other people are driving and I make up songs and silly games. When Craig and I drove to Whistler BC for our honeymoon I made up rap songs and gave us rap names (“Sweet & Lo” & “C-Flat”). I told Cory (my brother-in-law) that when he gets married he has to marry someone who’s also entertaining on car-trips so that all the pressure isn’t on my shoulders :).
Here are the pics!

window views
Craig driving.
Entering Pullman, WA
Making a stop in Idaho because I’d never been there. My in-laws went out of the way just so that I could see the excitement that is Idaho. We drove less than two miles into the state, but did have lunch there. I was in three states this weekend!
BROTHERS! Cory’s super cute…and still single ladies. Quite the eligible bachelor. If you’d like to be my sister-in-law and are fun on car trips please inquire.
father-in-law + husband + brother-in-law
(my mother-in-law was here, but I didn’t have many pictures of her because she got mascara in her eye while driving and her eye was all red. Didn’t think she’d really want that documented on my blog).
WSU probably had less fans than OSU. Here’s one section on their side of the stadium.
1 tank top + 1 long-sleeve shirt + 1 t-shirt + 2 sweathshirts + 1 coat =
Lauren looking like a fat kid in an OSU snuggie. At least I was (sort-of) warm.
Die-hard fans. No snow…but it was like 34 degrees….WAY too cold to be shirtless.
We ♥ football. Him more than me though.


  1. Aww that looks like such a fun weekend!!!
    Thank you so much for your kind words on my blog and i’m so glad to have you as a follower!!! Hugs! ~Jenni

  2. PS-I’m totally following you too!

  3. your brother’s a cutie. how old? hehe, jk 🙂

  4. he’s 22 :).

  5. hey thanks so much for stopping by! Your blog is super cute also, I love reading about peoples’s adventures in marriage! 🙂

  6. Hahaha! I hope you played the great card guessing game that we made up!

  7. Why yes you can stick em’ on your blog! You’re so sweet, thanks!

  8. how fun! i just went on a 5 hour road trip with the boy and i made sure to stay awake since he was driving. i tend to fall asleep but i drank 2 full throttles and sang the entire drive. it was awesome!

  9. looks like a great time! road trips are fun 🙂 last month, drew & i drove 22 hours, stayed overnight, & drove home. it was crazy but fun to spend so much time together!

  10. haha you guys are so cute! you sound like me on road trips! if i wasn’t married already, we could for sure be sister in laws. cuz i think you are awesome. but since i am married and i love sean dearly, lets be pretend sister in laws. or honorary ones or something. that means you have to come visit me. or i’ll come there cuz i LOVE oregon.

  11. oh my gosh. the picture of you in the snuggie is PRICELESS!! i love it! and i love that we’re both oregonians {me by adoption}!!

  12. I love that your road trip and football game was a great success, thanks to the layers of clothing, the snuggie, the bonine tabs, great company,the beavers winning, etc. My favorite part about your trip was the fact that we got to have some fun with Marley. I seriously think that it was her favorite part about your trip too.

  13. hi……..

    nice blog

    Cloud Services

  14. aww that is adorable! looks so fun! I’d love to have you in the car for a road trip!

  15. You are absolutely adorable!!! I love your blog! You seem like the sweetest person!!!!!

    You look like you and your family had great quality time!

    and I hope your mother in law’s eye is feeling better! That must not have been fun! poor thing!

  16. Your brother-in-law is pretty cute 🙂 Just stopping in to say i like your blog!

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