

Some days you just feel blue.  Today is one of those for me.  I don’t really know why I’m feeling sad.  I mean… I sort of do, but when I stop and think about it, it’s really nothing major.  Just a lot of little things.

It started last night and poor Craig had to listen to me crying in bed.  He hugged me and tried his best to comfort me (he really is the greatest for being so patient with my emotional-ness), but I still cried a bit more.  Then I woke up with puffy eyes and that made me cry again because that would mean I’d have to go to work and deal with questions about why my eyes were puffy.  The crying made my eyes even puffier.  Then I hugged Marley and felt a little better.  Then I had to wait at the bus stop in the sub-artic temperatures and I felt a little worse.  But the fact that Craig woke up early to drive me to the bus stop made me feel a little better.  Then I listened to Pandora’s “A Fine Frenzy” station while sitting on the bus and cried a bit more.  Sad sounding music, when you’re already feeling sad is an awful idea.  Thankfully it was cold, so I had my hood up and most tears went unseen.
Then I had a horrible headache at work.  

Loud kids + headache = a very long day.  
Around 3:00, I finally went home.  My mom picked me up (since I didn’t have a car) and brought me a peach smoothie and then I felt a little better again.  
Then I came home to our broken thermostat and a freezing house and I felt a little worse.
Now after being cuddled up on the couch for the last three hours I’m feeling a little better.  The heat’s going and Craig’s almost home.  Although we were supposed to go out for a fancy anniversary dinner tonight, which isn’t happening because my eyes are puffy so I look like crap and don’t feel like going out.  Plus…it’s freaking cold outside and I can’t bring myself to wear the cute, little dress I had planned for our date.  Maybe next week when it warms up a bit and I’m looking less like warmed-up death.  
Sorry to be a Debbie-Downer…some days are just like that I guess.
On a lighter note………….
Craig and I are leaving to go to Leavenworth, WA tomorrow for the weekend.  I think that will brighten my spirits.  It’s this little Bavarian village that gets all decked out for Christmas.  There’s little Christmas Bazaars and we’re even going to go on a sleigh ride.  This is making me feel a little better.
I won’t be blogging since we’ll be gone and I’m hoping I don’t miss out on too much from all of your blogs!  
Check back tomorrow though for the last “Marriage:  Making it Work” post by none other than 
Sean and Chloe!  Get excited!


  1. so sorry love. i’ll be praying that your night and day tomorrow are much better!

    ps. i think your extremely rad… and really, REALLY pretty to boot!

  2. i wanna share this verse with you.
    “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. A righteous man may have many troubles,but the LORD delivers him from them all”
    Psalm 34:18, 19

    btw, have an awesome weekend!! 😀

  3. ahh lauren! i am so sorry you are having a sad day 🙁 i totally know what you are talking about though. i have those days more often then i would like. i hate not having a reason for them. but then when i think about it, maybe i don’t want a reason for them. because it could be worse than nothing. does that make sense?

    anyway, i wish i could give you a hug right now! it made me teary eyed reading that you cried! my eyes totally get puffy too when i cry. then i wake up and my whole face is swollen. i don’t understand how some people can look so adorable and pretty when they cry. i am a mess. anyway, i seriously love you and i mean that! i think you are amazing and i am so glad that we became friends. seriously, through out the day i think, “hmm, i wonder what lauren is doing right now?” or “lauren would like that!” or when i quote Will Ferrell to Sean and he looks like a dear in headlights? i think, “wow, lauren would have quoted right back.” anyway, hope that doesn’t creep you out! but i talk about you all the time to sean..lauren this..lauren that. “well craig said that PMS is the hardest part about marriage..” sean says “I like craig.”

    hehe, anyway, i am sorry you had a headache! i get those crying headaches. i hate them. but i guess sometimes it is good to get it out. i guess we need those days to really appreciate the great ones. i hope that you have a great anniversary. i am super jealous that you are going on a fun little vacation! that sounds so magical and awesome 🙂 try to have fun for me k? let me know if i can do anything for you. seriously! i know we live in different states, but i care about you and will do what i can to cheer you up! love you lauren!

  4. tomorrow is another day, lauren! have a great time on your trip!

  5. Oh, I’m sorry you’ve had a rough day. At least you have sweet people in your life to take care of you. Craig gets major applause for being a comforting hubby.

    I hope you guys enjoy Leavenworth! I’ve heard it’s beautiful!

  6. aw 🙁 i’m sorry you had a sad day. i hope tomorrow is better!!

    ooo and leavenworth is a cool town! i’ve only been there in the summer though. i’d really like to see it now. have fun!!

  7. I’m sorry you’re having a bad day! I hope you feel better for your fun trip. It sounds amazing!

  8. everyone has those days hun. mine usually involve crying and then eating tonnes of carby food, which results in puffy eyes AND blotted tummy!

    i think we’re all entitled to feel blue every now and again for no real reason!

    i hope you feel better today – going to leavenworth sounds absolutely magical :0)

  9. I am sorry that you had a sad day today. I am glad that the peach smoothie helped you feel a little better.

  10. Enjoy your weekend & the snow (if there is any)! I hope you’re feeling better!

  11. awwww come dear, i’ll give u a big beary hug! just for you 🙂 *huuuuuuuuuugx* i hope the weekend turns out to be happy, fun filled & romantic! how can it not be? that Bavarian village looks so prettily lighted up! i’m sure those lights and the x’mas mood will brighten up your spirits by the heaps-load! ;D

  12. I know just how you feel. Sometimes I get sad like that too and i ALWAYS make the mistake of listening to sad music, thats such a girl thing to do. We love it secretly don’t we?

    PS… I can’t believe you’re going to Leavenworth! We have been talking about going there after Christmas too! Our family lives near there and it looks SO amazing. To me, that setting is the most perfect thing in the whole world! Have SO much fun and rememeber the wonderful song from White Christmas that ben always sings me…

    “when you’re worried and you cant sleep, count your blessings instead of sheep. And you’ll fall asleep counting your blessings”


  13. aw lauren I’m so sorry you’re having a bad day! I hope you feel better soon. I always hate those funks. It sounds like your little trip will be so fun. I was in Seattle for two years but I’ve never heard of that town..I wish I had! It sounds so cute!!

  14. New to your blog. Sorry you are having a bad day… I have been tooo… Have fun on that trip, sounds fun! look forward to reading more.

  15. Awwww Lauren!! I know how you feel. I’ve been the same way for the past few days!! I’m soooo sorry you’re not feeling good my beautiful friend!! Wish I was there to cheer you up!! Know I’m thinking about you and praying for you!!
    I hope you guys have an AMAZING trip!!

  16. i know this all too well! i actually just posted a kerouac-stream-of-consciousness post that probably makes no sense but to me.

    that town looks spectacular. i love everything bavarian. xoxo

  17. Sorry you had a crappy day 🙁 I HATE crying at night because I wake up with puffy eyes. So annoying. Then it won’t go away forever. Sucky. Loving the “making it work” posts. Too cute! And good idea! And have fun on vaca!

  18. Sorry you had a crappy day 🙁 I HATE crying at night because I wake up with puffy eyes. So annoying. Then it won’t go away forever. Sucky. Loving the “making it work” posts. Too cute! And good idea! And have fun on vaca!

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