buttons are not for eating.

Best kid story I’ve had in a while…..
Today during nap time at work I suddenly heard some crying coming from the back of the classroom.  I walked over to a little girl’s mat and she was sobbing.  I asked her what was wrong and she said….
“I (gasp) swallowed (sniff) a (voice quiver) button!!!”

(*Note:  we had been doing an art project with buttons and she must’ve stashed one in her pocket.)  She was pretty upset so I gave her some water and we went to the office to call her dad.  He came to the school to check her over and see if they should go to the doctor to get an x-ray.  Once he saw her and could tell she was ok, he told her she would be ok and she’d probably just “find it in the potty later”.  This did not seem to be adequate consolation.  She insisted she needed to go to the doctor and that she wanted an x-ray.  Dad repeated, “I really think you’ll be ok sweetie.”  To which she replied……

“But dad….what if I can’t have babies because there’s a button in my tummy?!?”
Her dad said, “I really don’t think that will be a problem.”  And then she drove home her main concern:

“But dad!  What if the button went from my tummy and got into my uterus?!?

After this her dad took her to get hot cocoa and explain why you shouldn’t put things in your mouth.  So hilarious.  It made my day.  I love kid logic.  Do you guys have any good stories about funny things you’ve heard kiddos say?  I’d love to hear it!


  1. OMG, that is ADORABLE.

  2. too funny. too cute. one of the reasons why i so miss being a teacher.

  3. i thought you’d appreciate this reni :).

  4. I have two stories:

    This one is Melissa age five, the daughter of a good friend. Melissa had gone shopping with her Aunt Ely. When it came time to pay they got in line and Melissa quickly noticed a little person in line (a midget) ahead of them. She quickly pointed to him and blurted out, “Look Ely, an umpa-lumpa!!!”
    I crack up everytime I remember that.

    The other is of my younger cousin, who at the time was 4years old. our Uncle Danny and his wife our Aunt Norma have five kids. Jonathan’s parents had at the time taken his new pet dog to get neutered. He asked his parents to explain what that was and they did. Jonathan thought about it and then he said, “Well then… Norma should get neutered!” He is 17 years old now and this story is always a fun one to share around the family.

    I love hearing their wisdom and logic too.
    God Bless YOU.

  5. ah! i love it. kids are so incredible.

  6. hahaha, that is too funny! i think your job sounds like so much fun. kids say the best things ever. what a cute little girl. and how did she know the word uterus? i swear i just learned that like yesterday or something..haha jk.
    okay couple things…
    sean and i were laughing for a good 5 minutes. loved it. you make my day all the time! i do lists too and they are the best. they are the only kind that i can do… when i make lists in comments. not lists about things to do and stuff. 🙂 anyway, hope you had a fantastic day! i loved this story.

    a couple of years ago i took my little cousin to Target. I was 21 and she was like 6 but she looks like she is 3. she talks like she is 16. she was like, “wait, you are telling me that you are 21 years old, you are not married, and you still live at home? sad.”

    i was like “WTF you are like 2, you can’t judge me!”

  7. Tooo cute. I love kids they are SOOOO cute…..

    I have soo many stories, kids make up the funniest things.

  8. Cute story!You know that I have plenty of kid stories. I have two that are a little more favorite, if you know what I mean. Kid story #1-A little first grade girl was talking about losing her tooth that morning during a reading group, she started to share what the tooth fairy had left her, when suddenly one of the boys said that there was no tooth fairy. The boy asked her how much the tooth fairy left her, and she told him that she left her $5.00, at which time the boy said, “It was your Dad”, to which she replied,”Oh no, no, no,no it was not my Dad, I know that it was the tooth fairy.” The boy asked her how did she know for sure, the little girl said,”I know that it was the tooth fairy because we don’t have paper money in our house, only credit cards!” The boy had nothing more to say.Kid story #2-My neice Karley and I were at a grocery store one day, and it must have been a senior citizen day because there were a lot of elderly white haired men and women shopping that day. So Karley asked me,”Nana are you old?” I said to her that I was a little old.So we kept on walking and she suddenly smiled really big and she said,”Nana if you’re a little old, then you must be a lot new!” To which I just smiled really BIG.

  9. Haha! That is one anatomically informed kid!

  10. I’m cracking up at the fact that she knew the function of the uterus. I’m a mom and I still barely know. Ah ha ha

  11. I cannot believe she knew what the word “uterus” meant! That’s hilarious!

  12. I can’t believe she knew what a uterus was!!! i feel like this is something along the lines i would have agonized over. I was a melodramatic child…poor mother, I had…

  13. That little girl is so precious sounding! And the fact that she even knew what a uterus was? Amazing

  14. hahahahaha oh my goodness I didn’t even know what a uterus was when I was little!!! That poor dad! hahahaha

  15. OHHH MY GOOSSHH! Favorite story ever!! I can’t wait to be a teacher!!! Kids say the funniest things in the entire world. It makes my life complete.

  16. Oh my this story made me laugh and think to myself.. if I was to swallow a button today I may think that there is a slight chance it could go to my uterus… what a smart little girl:)!! Last year, when I was working at a preschool I noticed a little girl sitting on the mat with a lolly pop.. not too crazy but here is the kicker.. she was sharing it with four other kids… I went over and took the lolly pop, and explained to her germs, and that it is best not to share stuff like lolly pops etc etc…after she gave me a bewildered stare and said…. but I thought us little kids should SHARE and SHARIng is Caring .. oh my I still think back and laugh to myself!! LOve your post!! Thanks for bringing a smile to my day!! xo

  17. oh my goodness, that is so cute and hilarious!

  18. this is an adorable post!! ahhh poor little girl worrying from that age about not being able to have babies!! it makes me wonder who she heard talking about the uteris. lol

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