dear laundry…

Dear Laundry, 
I hate your stinking guts.  You make me want to vomit.  You are the scum between my toes. 

Love,  Lauren

Does anybody remember that letter Alfalfa wrote to Darla in Little Rascals?  Well, that’s how I feel about laundry.  Seriously.  The above picture is actually what my laundry situation looked like this weekend…four weeks worth of laundry that I finally washed and then procrastinated putting away for another three weeks.  Embarassing but true.  This may come as a surprise to those of you who’ve been reading my blog for awhile and have heard me speak of my obsessive compulsive tendencies.  Well…this is one of the few things that I let slide.  I absolutely HATE laundry.  I would rather clean ten toilets and bake pies for all my neighbors than do one load of laundry that would take substantially less time.  I’ve even been known to buy new underwear so I could forgo laundry for “just one more day”.  It’s kind of ridiculous.

Anyway, Craig finally decided he’d had enough of my mess (*note:  he does his own laundry) and told me I had to put it away by the end of the weekend because he was sick of tripping on piles of jeans every morning.   Ouch.  So…I finally did it.  This is what it looks like now.

Color coordinated closets and drawers, matched and folded socks, folded underwear (I know I’m sick…it’s a serious problem), two bags of purged goods for Goodwill, and I even sorted out all of my jewelry in my jewelry armoire and organized it by style and type of metal.

This is exactly why I procrastinate laundry.  Because I know if I finally do it it’s going to take me two hours, because I won’t do it halfway.  I even fold my freaking underwear!  I’ve tried balling them up and throwing them in the drawer like a normal person, but I just can’t do it.  It will physically bother me and I won’t be able to do anything else until I go back and fold it.  Why then am I ok with leaving it in baskets and in my second set of drawers (AKA:  “the dryer”)? I’ve not a clue.  I’m OCD like that.  It’s just how I roll.

Besides, not doing your laundry is the sexy thing to do.  Here’s my reasoning.  Being green is the trendy “sexy” thing to do right now, so as I see it (and as I told Chloe whose husband likes to wash new clothes before wearing them), I’m simply doing my part to save the planet…one load of laundry at a time (Sean…why do you hate the planet?).

Now that I’m through with my rant, I want to know…which chore is your arch nemesis?  I know we all have one, so I’d like to know what yours is, so I don’t feel like I’m the only slob who sluffs certain chores.  It’ll be like a self-esteem boost, and I thank you in advance.

Wow…this was long.  Hope you had a great Wednesday!

*P.S.*  Don’t forget to throw your name in the hat for my first ever giveaway!


  1. ooooh good job this is so inspirational! I need some big time help. i have major battles with laundry…week long battles that end in bloodshed usually.

    not really, but its bad. i HATE folding and putting away. Maybe I need to buy all new closet organizers and then it will be easier? UGH. now im stressed!

    I’ll just close the guest room door. done. 🙂

  2. i can’t tell how big your closet it, but it looks like it’s spacious with all the neatly hung pieces with a little bit of a breathing room. mine, not so much. for the first time i had to buy a dresser! i hate it, because there’s so many drawers and i hate folding things! the last house i was in, i had wall to wall closet, so i hung everything, except my fleece and pj stuff.

    i don’t mind laundry as much, but it’s not my favorite either. i HATE cleaning the toilet and the tub! i’m so meticulous that i scrub everything, yes down on my knees and gloves on action. so i bought one of those things that you put in those other things so when i flush, my toilet sort of kinda self-cleans but not really, but it’s better than not having anything 🙂

    you know, if i wasn’t sick/recovering, i thought about visiting you (and of course other friends at jndt this week) … i guess there’s always next time, right?! but hopefully, it’s not till in-service!

  3. p.s. i love the craig does his own laundry … my kinda guy 🙂

  4. Ugh, dishes! I hate doing the dishes soooo much! I should take a picture of all the dishes that pile up in our sink on a daily basis. (Actually, not on a daily basis, because sometimes I’ll go for a few days without washing them.) I can’t wait to have a dishwasher in our new place!

    I’m so glad I’m not the only person who organizes my clothes by color! I have a shirt section, a skirt section, a dress section, and a pants section, and they’re all organized by color.

  5. i hate all chores. but i think laundry would be the worst. buying new clothes is so much easier.

  6. Cleaning out the fridge. Y.U.C.K. I don’t like my refrigerator. It has stupid shelves on the freezer side, and the crisper bins are too small. The shelves on the door are ok, but this is not a great fridge. I don’t like the actual cleaning of it, and I get really frustrated when I try to organize it. So I mostly ignore it – slam the door shut as quickly as I can and let the little green growies do their thing until the health department is threatening to come by. (Ok, I’m exaggerating, but I really do dislike cleaning it out, and I procrastinate it as long as I can.)

  7. Is it bad that my husband and I watched that movie over our one year wedding anniversary weekend? Yeah, that’s right, we’re cool.

    I actually don’t mind doing laundry. As long as I don’t have to fold it, hehe.

  8. Uggh, I hate laundry too! It wasn’t a big deal when I had a washer and dryer in my apartment, but now I wait until I don’t have any clean clothes before I will carry it all down to the laundry mat. I’m moving soon, and at the top of my list of requirements: washer/dryer!

  9. hahah oh my gosh i loved little rascalls. and wow you really do a good job when you do laundry. i’m one of those people that get frustrated and just end up shoving things in nooks and crannies.

  10. i don’t mind laundry because all you have to do is dump some stuff in and leave it for an hour.

    we have a dishwasher, but i HATE emptying it!! I hate when some of the dishes are still wet and the water drips down my arm when i reach to put them away on the top shelf… ugh. soooo annoying. that’s why ian empties. i also can’t stand loading the dishwasher with the dirty dishes that have been sitting in the sink all day… with a little bit of water in them mixed with remnants of whatever the dish was used for in the first place. ewwww.

    and i never scrub a toilet. i just hate using my hands to clean dirty things. it totally grosses me out : /

  11. laundry is the worst!!

    the other night i sent my manmate a picture that said “I hate your stinking guts” thinking that he would pick up on the little rascals quoting going on…but he thought i was serious, until i reminded him of that part. which, by the way, my sisters and i recite all the time.

  12. Oh that I still lived close enough to get all your hand me downs. How stylish I would be.

  13. haha the little rascals is like one of my favorite movies! “i got a dollar, i got a dollar hey hey hey hey!” so cute.

    anyway, lo, we are incredibly similar. yes, i am a slob, and i despise doing laundry and i want to save water and stuff, but when i do organize my closet and stuff? i am OCD about it too. i have to have everything hanging the same way and i like to coordinate everything by color too. i think that is why i tend to stay away from ever pulling them out of the laundry basket because i don’t want to devote 3 hours to organizing it all. sean is always like ” it takes like ten minutes.” but not for me because i have to do it the right way or not do it at all.

    and all your clothes and jewelry are so cute! when i come visit you someday i am going to raid your closet k? sweet. sounds like a plan!

    love you! i am so excited about your giveaway! look how many people have entered!?! so awesome!

  14. I hate folding laundry, but it is something that just must be done. What I hate most though is when other people put laundry away in the wrong spot. That will give me nightmares and keep me from sleeping!

    Great job with getting everything organized. I am trying to reorganize out bedroom, and I think it is going to take me at least a week. I got through one bookshelf and the top of my dresser tonight. One step at a time…..

  15. You’re too funny! I love,love,folding my laundry and yours too sometimes, as long as there is not too too many. My worst thing to do is cleaning my room. It’s not too bad, but when I let my clothes pile up,then that’s when it’s the worst time to clean my room and that’s when I know “It’s time” to get it all cleaned up.Perhaps you would like to help me organize my little closet? 🙂

  16. Oh man–I LOVE doing laundry. Lovelovelove it!! I do, however, hate doing the dishes. We don’t have a dishwasher, and I am always the one who has to do them. I try to keep on top of them–like if I use a dish I try to wash it right after I’m done. But after baking or cooking for friends…ugh, I put it off for sooo long! Long enough to where some dishes wont fit in the sink anymore…oh wells!

  17. i’m exactly like you – laundry is my nemesis. i am completely ocd about everything else, but it takes me several weeks to convince myself to do my laundry. i also have a big closet that can get kind of crazy so i just close the doors and pretend it isnt there. theres just something about my clothes – its like they’re too out of control already for me to even tackle so i just give in to the mess (but again, like you, when i start, i go all out, cleaning every drawer, prepping bags for good will, you name it).

    i also hate the dishes (no dishwasher). but i like them more than laundry. plus damir volunteers to do the dishes when he is over.

  18. one time you read my mind and blogged about it. youre so great. when we were dating, my husbands mom washed and ironed all of his clothes for fun one day. including all 78 of his t-shirts. for serious. and then we got married 3 years ago, and we havent been caught up on laundry since we said “i do.” i have a hanger complex (must be uniform, and all identical) and color coordinated syndrome too. blah. eff laundry. lets pay somebody to do it for us.

  19. VACUUMING is my absolute least favorite!! Just like you think doing the laundry is such a hassle and time consuming, I can’t stand unwrapping the cord, plugging it in, clearing everything out of the way, listening to the obnoxious noise, listening to bits and pieces being sucked up, wondering if that was an earring…I avoid it at all costs.

  20. ah! we are totally soul mates, in the laundry way at least! 🙂 I HATE doing laundry, until I do, and then I have rganize everything, AND color code it (by style) including folding underwear! because as long as its not in its place in can be messy, but when its in the right place it has to be organized. I call it selective OCD,haha. It IS too bad we don’t live closer to each other…i bet we would be amazing jewelry-making no-laundry-doing friends! 🙂

  21. LAUNDRY IS RIDICULOUS. I have gone for a month without doing it, and regret it after, obviously. Like seriously though, it’s such an awful task. I usually bring my computer and a book down to the laundry room now and try to relax instead of going up and down the stairs. I find it soothes me.

  22. I can’t believe you have enough clothes to make it 4 weeks, lol. I honestly couldn’t make it more than one even if I tried…I must say it looked beautiful once you had it all organized. About the underwear….don’t beat yourself up over it. When I was in basic training for the Air Force (years ago!) they made us iron them with a cantene filled with hot water prior to folding them! Talk about sick! Happy New Year! :0)

  23. I HATE laundry. I had 5 loads of it piled up, which my mother-in-law took upon herself to do while she has been visiting. The problem is, my husband not only has a ton of laundry, but refuses to do it. So I just let it pile up because like HELL I’m wasting my evenings and weekends doing HIS laundry. It’s a little sore spot, can you tell? I wish I had a maid JUST to do laundry.

  24. I don’t mind doing the laundry, I just hate putting it away. I have 3 or 4 loads worth of laundry sitting on top of my dryer and a full load in the dryer right now. Bad part about that is everything gets all wrinkled.

  25. i hate them allllll!

    dishes, laundry, tidying up, dusting….it all sucks!

    I cant wait til I’m rich and can afford to get someone to come clean my house for me! x

  26. I looove giving things to Goodwill! I always feel so much cleaner and lighter afterwards 😀

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