"make it work!"

OK….so when I titled this post “make it work!” I was not in fact referring to the ever-popular Tim Gunn quote. I actually really wish I could put a little sound bite in here so you could actually hear Tim Gunn say it instead of reading me writing it. Oh well.
Alright….back to the point. Craig and I are coming up on our two year anniversary next week and I was thinking back over our past two years and how while they have been amazing they have also been a study in how to “make it work”. Marriage isn’t easy (apparently….) and it’s something we have to put effort into every day. We have to figure out how to make it work every day and choose to take steps that are going to benefit and strengthen our marriage.
Because I absolutely love marriage I thought it would be fun to turn my blog into a week-long tribute to marriage next week via some guest bloggers who know first hand about marriage…..other married couples! I’ll be asking them questions about their marriages and they’ll be sharing their secrets to making it work.
I am so beyond excited to have couples from across the relationship spectrum. A couple of newbies, a couple of veterans, some in-between. All of these couples are couples who I respect and who I think have insight to offer.
I know that not everyone who reads this blog is married, but it never hurts to hear some advice whether it’s for the present or the future, right?
Hope you guys will tune in!


  1. haha welp i’m not married but I sure do love tim gunn!

    “desiiiiiignerrrrs, you have 2 hours to send your models to the garnier hair studio and l’oreal paris makeup room”

  2. this sounds rad, lauren! i will be looking forward to it:)

  3. yay! 😉

  4. Thanks for visting me, I love meeting new people too! Happy weekend my new cyber friend!

  5. I’ve only been married since August so I could probably take advice better than I could give it 🙂

  6. i <3 tim gunn 🙂

  7. Looking forward to it lady!

  8. Sounds fun!

  9. wow how exciting! Congratulations to you both! I’m looking forward to reading the guest post..it’s a great idea!

  10. Happy Sunday!! 🙂
    Don’t miss a gorgeous giveaway next week on Sweet as a Candy!

  11. yay for two years and still being married. we like to celebrate every year as a landmark, that we kicked divorce rates in the face. did you know that getting married before age 25 ends in divorce 75% of the time!??!?!? what the bleep kind of statistic is that. like no hope. good thing you guys totally get that Jesus is totally the ultimate marriage glue.

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