marriage: making it work #1.

Obviously I’m no expert at marriage, but since I’m having everyone else share their thoughts on marriage this week, I thought I might share a few of my own. So….this is me….answering my own questions………….

What’s your love story?

I met my future husband Craig for the first time when I was in the 6th grade and he was in the 4th grade (yes….he is a year younger than me). I’d like to say that I have any recollection of our actual meeting (….that would be really romantic, no?), but I haven’t a clue. We went to the same church, the same schools (my mom was even his 6th grade teacher!) and he was best friends with my younger brother, but the only thing I actually remember about Craig from back then was that he was really annoying. He had a lot of energy as a kid and I remember that whenever my brother had him over to our house I would avoid him at all costs, even taking my meals in my room.

Fast forward to high school. We still went to the same church, and for some reason I had a small following of freshman boys from our youth group that had crushes on me. The only one that didn’t was Craig. I had never really paid him much attention, but I decided that I wanted to get him to like me…not because I actually liked him, but just because it was a challenge and I was a huge flirt. Since we went to the same high school, I started talking to him when I’d see him in the halls, and he’d sometimes walk me to my classes. Then our families, who had become friends over the years, started going snowboarding together. It was both of our dads, our brothers and us. Many of the chair lifts were only big enough for two people so we spent a lot of time together on chair lifts. Since we went snowboarding almost every Saturday all winter long we eventually started becoming friends through our many chair lift conversations. This turned into late night phone conversations and eventually holding hands for the very first time while watching “Pearl Harbor”. We still weren’t “dating” though, which is a big deal in high school where everything has a label. I was more than a little hesitant (and quite honestly embarassed) at the prospect of having a boyfriend who was a sophomore while I was a senior.

Valentine’s Day 2002 (so long ago!), Craig got the keys to my car from my dad and filled my car to the brim with balloons and wrote sweet little notes all over the windows. Three days later we made it “official”.

After that we literally grew up together (first kisses, graduations, college, first jobs, etc…). Even though we started out so young and immature, we grew together which I think is a rarity when more times than not people grow apart. We went through some hard things together, but no matter what we stuck by each other and got through it by leaning on each other. I used to worry that maybe we were being stupid by “putting all our eggs in one basket”. Really….who finds their true love at the age of 12? I worried that Craig would wake up one day and wonder if something better was out there. His response to my worry was, “I don’t have to be with anyone else to know that what I have with you is great,” and I couldn’t agree more.

Fill in the blank:

“The best thing about marriage is_________.”

Lauren: Hanging out with my best friend all the time and never having to say goodnight. Knowing that someone will always have my best interest at heart and will always be truthful with me…even when it’s hard. Having a movie-watching buddy, and having my own personal chef.

Craig: You (Lauren). (*direct quote).

Fill in the blank:

“The most challenging thing about marriage is_________.”

Lauren: Selfishness. Sometimes I might not want to talk about my day, or I might not want to do something that Craig does. Sometimes I think he should agree with me on all of my movie preferences and what I want to eat for dinner. But he doesn’t. So sometimes we have to compromise….even when I really don’t feel like compromising.

Craig: PMS. (my response: “Seriously? Out of everything, you’re going to choose PMS?”) Seriously. That is challenging.

Fill in the blank:

“My favorite thing about my spouse is_________.”

Lauren: He’s a hard worker and he always gives 100% in everything he does. He’s patient with me, even when I get slightly crazy. He’s passionate and stands up for what he believes. He encourages me spiritually and pushes me to be a better person. He’s honest with me and calls me out on my crap when it’s necessary. AND… he helps me chill out when I start getting too OCD by doing goofy dances and other silly things to make me laugh.

Craig: I have so many favorites.

What’s your secret to a happy

marriage and making it work?

Not doing it on our own. I know I can’t love Craig all on my own, because let’s face it…sometimes he’s a pain in the butt (don’t worry…I know I am too). I have to wake up every day and ask God to help me love him the way he deserves to be loved and give me patience (I can only imagine how much patience Craig has to ask God for when he’s dealing with me!). I think it’s also important to put in the effort. I think it’s really important to still get fancy for each other and flirt with each other and surprise each other with love notes and other little trinkets. We also make time to play together…building forts, wrestling around with Marley, picnics, etc…. Overall we have to remember that love is a decision, not just a feeling. Of course Craig still gives me butterflies sometimes, but that alone won’t make our marriage strong. I’m sure there will be really rough times when we might not “feel” in love, but we can continue to choose to love one another and push through those tough times into better times. Oh…and also…make sure you marry your best friend. It’s awesome. It’s like every night is a fun sleep over!

OK…that’s it. That’s all I’ve got.


  1. what a beautiful love story πŸ™‚

  2. first, i love the craig+lauren photo. wow! that was a cool story, lauren. when i was little, your story of how you found the “one” was how i had envisioned my life to be. maybe not at 12, but just being with one person. clearly, that did not happen and 4 different relationships later, i am still not married, but happy and content that i am where i am. i have lived with one boyfriend – that was similar to getting married without the paper work – and “making it work” is a big factor. my impatience kicked in and questioned how much of the “making it work” was i supposed to do and how long. if you have read some of my blog posts, i thrive on change and movement, thus making it slightly easier for me to walk away from relationships that are not working (at least in my perspective). but were they really not working or was i just impatient?! who knows. i enjoyed reading your post and look forward to more and excited to see/read other people’s perspective. eventually, i am going to cross this road, so if this is part of my prep time – then, thanks to you and everyone else! πŸ™‚

    did your post really say 6:30am? and i thought i was up early at 8:25!

  3. love it!

    our answer to the last is pretty much the same… ha πŸ™‚

    and i love the last picture! did you use picnik?

  4. Wow! I can’t believe how much you are your mother’s daughter in many areas (Only the good ones, of course!)I am amazed at how similar a lot of our ideas, thoughts, and advice on marriage are. I am so thankful that God brought you and Craig together, and may I be one of the first to wish you a Happy Second Anniversary. May I add one thing, I absolutely loved,loved your wedding my lovely Cinderella. Helping you with all the planning of it was fun too. I have to admit it was awesome to be the hosts of a wonderful celebration of love, for a few of our closest friends and family.

  5. reni – i actually wasn’t up at 6:30. a lot of times i’ll write my posts and then schedule them to be posted at a certain time. That’s what I’m doing with this week’s series, so get excited for 6:30 AM posts all week :). i think it’s hard to know when a relationship just isn’t working and when you need to put in the extra work. i’m thankful now that i stuck it out and put in the extra work because i love the relationship that craig and i have, but there were times during some of the early dating stages that i (and others) thought it maybe wasn’t the right choice. i guess you just have to figure out what’s best for you.

    kassi – i’m officially in love with picnik. seriously. i’m adding everyone’s names on their pictures that they send me for the series. that’s how i did the tim gunn picture (“bloggers, make it work!”). it’s so awesome and i’m glad you told me about it!

    sam – thanks :).

    mom – i am your daughter! you know….i did actually listen to you sometimes when i was growing up :). love you!

  6. Lauren,
    seriously? this post gave me the chills! it was so beautiful! all my answers are going to seem so silly after yours! i also love those pictures of you guys! picnik is the best huh? that is how i make my headers and do all my pictures. i love it.

    i love that you guys met so young. seriously, i think you story is so incredible and i look up to you guys so much! you grew up together and i think it is the sweetest thing ever. i know what you mean about the whole challenge thing.. i was the same in high school. i bet it is awesome having your family so close because you all have known each other for so long!

    anyway, i just took pics of me and sean so i am going to send them over. i felt like a fatty in them for some reason. and my hair is a mess. i kept making sean take them over and over again. i hope they work! i will get working on these questions too!

    i love you! thanks for sharing all this with us! i have been curious to know your story πŸ™‚ happy anniversary!!!

    p.s. sean loves craig’s answer about the PMS. he says “he is the man. so true.”

  7. This is so sweet! It made me get tears in my eyes πŸ™‚

  8. you are the cutest!!! this post made me so happy.

  9. Lauren, beautiful story. Loved it, and loved reading it even more. I love how you said that Love is a choice. It’s a decision you make to love that person every morning. So many people think it’s a feeling, and when that feeling wanes they run. Love isn’t always easy, but it is always rewarding. I love Bob more today than I did when we married. I hope it keeps on growing. Great writing. Thanks Leslie Lettenmaier

  10. oh my gosh lauren! What a sweet and romantic love story! I didn’t know you two were high school sweethearts! That’s so so special. I loved reading this πŸ™‚

  11. you guys are so darling! i have a serious couple crush! xo

  12. This is a rad idea!!! I will definitely be in prayer for you and all the marriages on your blog.

  13. ps I will be sharing your posts on FB

  14. awww lauren, u’re 1 lucky gurl! i like how Craig filled the car with balloons & pasted handwritten notes all over the windows! bf isnt the romantic sort, so i doubt he’ll come up with such an idea; which is sad cos i’m that type of gurl who loves romantic surprises like this!

    haha PMS makes me in a bad mood sumtimes & i do get all grumpy with my boy. but i think the 1 thing he’d think is challenging abt marriage is… being naggy! my mum nags alot whenever she does housework n we get an earful. i might inherit some of her naggy traits? lol~~~

    sorry for not visiting that often! i’ll catch up on this series of posts asap cos it’s really meaningful!

  15. you guys are adorable! and wow what a story! To know each other from such a young age!! and be highschool sweethearts! you guys are such great rolemodels! And I love your love story! I love your realness about everything!

    You guys look like you have a lot of fun together!

  16. oh and pms ftw!! lol

  17. omg i love all your marriage posts they are so great! where have i been? Ugh work:( i havent seen these!
    Its so great to know others depend on God to make marriage bliss!

  18. yeah…work is a real time suck :). i had a lot of fun reading this and putting them into posts. everyone was so much fun! glad you enjoyed them.

  19. oh. my. gosh. i am so beyond excited that i found your blog this late sunday night. i’ve got marriage on my mind right now so of course this just made me giddy. i love this post i think its the sweetest thing i ever did hear. thanks for doing what you do!!

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