marriage: making it work #2.

Today’s guests are Lisbeth and Don. Craig and I met these two at a marriage class they taught at our church. These two have been married for quite some time and are definitely seasoned veterans (seasoned enough to teach a class on it!) whose character and marriage I deeply respect. I know they’ve got a lot of great things to say, so let’s get started….

A bit more about the couple….

Don is an electrical design engineer and an elder at Imago Dei Community. We started up MiGi (AKA “Marriage in God’s Image”) for Imago Dei three and a half years ago. He loves sports….a LOT and grew up surfing, playing baseball, and listening to and playing music. He thinks boy bands are stupid and should be out-lawed. Don loves our only daughter (almost 22 years old) and spending time with her has always been a priority. They’ve been having father-daughter dates since the first month of her birth. Don enjoys his family & friends, loves to sit by the fire talking theology with a good red or pint and/or picking either his guitar or ukulele.

Lisbeth was a stay-at-home mom for 18 years, following a career as an administrative assistant in the medical field. She was born in Copenhagen, Denmark and even though she grew up mostly here in the states, she did attend grade school in Copenhagen and is fluent in both languages. Her homeland and family there are still very important to her. She just became an American citizen this past summer! Lisbeth loves all seasons of the year, each for what they hold to experience and enjoy. She loves her family and friends, enjoys entertaining and treating those she loves to a good time. MiGi has become a part-time job (unpaid) from home, and she is thankful and humbled for the opportunity to serve and give back in the journey with young couples who are just starting out in life together.

What’s your love story?

We met on our church retreat when I (Lisbeth) was 16 year old and Don was 18 years old. We both attended Calvary Chapel So. Bay in Southern California. I needed a ride to our church camp retreat and Don had an extra seat in his car with his girlfriend. The drive was four hours long and we talked, Don and I, the whole way. I thought Don was cute and all, but he had a girl so when we got to camp, I said thank you very much and off I went and we did not speak during the weekend. Out of that weekend came a friendship and that was all it was for the next two years. We’d see each other in church, etc… Then the spring of my senior year of high school we started dating. I had been dating someone else and during this time became increasingly more aware of Don and all the wonderful characteristics he held that I wished and desired for my husband to one day have. Don loved Jesus, talked about Jesus, and I loved that about him. I intentionally broke up with my boyfriend at the time and pursued Don. He was clueless for a long time about my new intentions because we had such a great friendship and neither one of us wanted to hurt it. I finally asked a mutual friend to whack Don over the head and tell him I wanted him! This led to Don picking me up after school one day and we went on our first date together; roller-skating on the strand of Redondo Beach. We had a very fun afternoon. Don took me home to my mother’s and we sat down to pray and thank God for our time together and then I assaulted him (*Don’s words ;)*) with a big kiss! Don claims to this day that he was just going to give me a peck on the cheek, but I thought at the time he was coming in for the kiss, so I laid one on him. Don’s head was spinning after that and I felt we were now officially dating. After one date and one kiss he was mine!!! I still have the very skimpy shorts I wore on that date. We dated for a year and a half and got married on October 10, 1981. We’ve been married for 28 years now.

Fill in the blank:

“The best thing about marriage is_________.”

That could be a rather long list after all these years and the answer to that question has frankly changed along the way. Having the fellowship and companionship of a spouse who has made a covenant with you and God that no matter what life brings….they are still ‘all in’ no matter what happens…leads to trust within the marriage relationship. Even in the most challenging times of our marriage (and yes…there have been a few) divorce was never an option in our minds, EVER! Our commitment to God first and then each other sustained us through the difficult times which are inevitable in every marriage. We’ve always felt it important to put Christ first in our lives and in our marriage.

Fill in the blank:

“The most challenging thing about marriage is_________.”

That has changed over the years too! The obvious is that men and women are so different!! Then take family backgrounds, cultural differences, personal likes & dislikes….it can be overwhelming to new marrieds and is something that takes patience, practice and a lot of communication and compromise. We have learned and experienced the great value that premarital mentoring can have in preparing couples for marriage. Not that we have all the answers or have it all figured out, but after 28 years of marriage and lots of friends with similar years, we have learned a thing or two that we can share with other couples.

Fill in the blank:

“My favorite thing about my spouse is_________.”

Lisbeth: My favorite thing about Don is that he loves God with all of his being. He is still so on fire for Christ like the first time I met him and even more so. I couldn’t have dreamed of a better loving husband and wonderful father for our daughter. I feel truly blessed to wake up with him by my side. His strong, broad shoulders still melt my heart and when he holds me, I feel safe from the world. (Awwwww!)

Don: I love Lisbeth’s beautiful green eyes, lovely curly hair and sweet compassionate nature combined with a strong sense of self. She is a wonderful mother, loves Jesus, loves her family and Danish heritage. All this combined makes her perfect for me.

What’s your secret to a happy

marriage and making it work?

It’s not as much about finding the right person as much as being the right person. Of course it’s important to marry someone you are attracted to, but it’s also very important to meet each other’s needs. For example; her need for love and his need for respect, each other’s sexual needs (which are very different so talk about what they are so expectations aren’t a surprise), and the list goes on…..and on….. Remember…love is a verb, not a feeling. It is important to remember that your feelings will change. We know it doesn’t seem like that when you are young and in-love, but as a Christ follower, love is a commitment and covenant before God. It’s more about what you do, than what you feel. Too often couples question their marriage when they no longer sense that new feeling of being “in-love”. This is where actions and commitment take over and support the marriage when feelings are not enough to support it. It’s also important to continue pursuing each other, dating each other, talking about dreams and expectations, and just how your day was. Finally, without making this sound overly simple…it’s important to treat each other the way you would want to be treated and think of each others needs above your own.

Thanks you two

love birds!


  1. awww! they are so cute! i love these posts lauren. you are so awesome for doing this. I hope that sean and i are as happy as they are someday! so cute!

  2. they seem like a great couple – thanks so much for sharing!

  3. oh how sweet! I love their wedding picture and the last cute!

  4. I loved reading what they had to say about marriage. I always appreciate it when people remind me that love is a verb, not just a feeling, because there are definitely times when I don’t “feel” like I love Josh (and vice versa, I’m sure!). But then I remember that committment we made to each other, and remind myself that I need to love him through my actions and not just with my feelings.

    Lauren, you are super brilliant for coming up with this idea to feature married couples this week! I’m loving it!

  5. aww how sweet! their love for one another jumps right out from my computer screen! i really love these posts, Lauren! What a great idea!

  6. I wish I was married to share a sweet love story with you!

    Sarah Ann

  7. glad you guys are enjoying :).

    lisbeth and don are too cute! still crazy in love. i hope craig and i are as in love as them when we’ve been married that long!

  8. Thanks for sharing about Don and Lisbeth. What a great couple. Their love for God, each other, and for others shines through. It is wonderful that they choose to give back to others the things which they have learned by being together for all these years. Keep the great stories coming!

  9. How inspiring are they? I hope the hubs and I are still as in love down the road!

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