my favorite thing about today #24

So….it’s still the morning, but I can already just tell that my favorite thing about today will be carrying this pretty Christmas present from my bestie Casey.

Isn’t she so crafty?  I love it.  I am always needing an extra bag to carry around all the stuff that doesn’t fit in my purse (I know…it doesn’t seem possible, but trust me…it is).  We had a lovely evening last night filled with nothing but the finest $8 riesling, chocolate and other snacks, good chats, and “Mean Girls” (which Craig would never watch with me).  It made me super happy.  I ♥ girls nights with my bff.


  1. Oo i do love it!!

  2. i LOVE mean girls! it is awesome!! “Nice wig, whats it made out of?” “YOUR MOM’S CHEST HAIR!”

    haha love it.. anyway what a cute bag!i love it! she should open an etsy shop and sell those! so cute! hope you have a great day ms.lauren! 🙂

  3. how sweet of ur fren! handmade gifts are filled with the best of wishes and the truest of love!

    i love girls nites too! n i’ll gladly watch Mean Girls with you Lauren 😀

  4. awww yay! that is an uber cute bag and girls nights are the sweetest!!
    Love you girl!!

  5. very cute!
    yay for girls nights!

  6. Sweet blog. I love it! 🙂

  7. Girls nights are the best! Glad you had fun!

  8. how did she make that?

  9. wow she made that?! How cool! I would totally want one too. And I love the detailing around your cute! What a great friend 🙂

  10. That bag is so cute. When you walked into work today I definately noticed how adorable it is…I’m kinda super jealous, I’d be even more jealous if it was a ‘C’! I’m glad to hear you and Casey enjoyed your girls night!

  11. Yay for girls night, my hubby won’t watch Mean Girls with me either! Love the cute bag!

  12. mean girls is divine.

  13. awww cute bag!!! loooove girls nights!! They’re soooo relaxing and fun!

  14. what a cute bag!

  15. Cutest bag ever! Way to go Casey!Girls nights are fun too! Hope your feeling better.

  16. That bag is so cute! I love it!

  17. I want one too… I am also an L. Love that bag.

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