what i wish i was doing.

Today will entail: *Finishing up a few crafty presents *Wrapping up a bajillion presents *Making 3 batches of peppermint bark *Making a giant vat of Paula Deen style artery clogging mashed potatoes *Also making Paula Deen’s bread pudding (goodbye skinny jeans…I promise we’ll reunite after the holidays…) *Going to Christmas Eve Dinner at the in-laws […]

trash to treasure.

Some people might look at an empty soda can and see a piece of trash (or rather something to be recycled!). I see a pencil cup. I just took of the top with a can opener and washed it out, and voila!  Pencil cup.  I love this soda… and I think the cans are so […]

my favorite thing about today #26

My favorite thing about today was… reaching 100 followers! I think I’m going to do a little giveaway to celebrate.  After the holidays though because I’m getting a little bit over being crafty right now.  Seriously…making all our presents sounded like a good idea on paper…but in reality….. the jury’s still out….I also loved that […]

feeling like newlyweds ♥.

So, this week has been like a blast from the past, and I’ve been feeling like a newlywed ♥. {this is us as actual newlyweds.} BUT…it’s not due to roses and romance and wooing…although I seriously wish that were the case.  Nope.  I’ve been feeling like a newlywed because our dishwasher is still not mended. […]

my favorite thing about today #25

My favorite thing(s) about today were:  Getting a cute new headband thing.  Not quite so excited about looking like the creepy girl from the ring. Seriously…I need some under eye concealer and some blush…STAT! Craig doesn’t like it.  But I do.  So too bad for him.  He thinks I look like I’m wearing a tribal […]

adding to our little family.

OK…so…I’m not pregnant.  BUT…we really are adding to our family.  We’ve decided that Marley needs a baby brother (just not of the human variety) so we’re going to be getting a puppy probably in February.  The puppies won’t be ready until then, so we’ve got a little bit of time left to enjoy our family […]