curiouser and curiouser.

10 points if you know where that quote is from…..


I decided today that I would like a little reader feedback.  I love answering questions.  I’m a complete sucker for those stupid quizzes on facebook…although I’ll have you know that I never publish them, because really….who cares if I prefer boxers or briefs on my man?  BUT…I thought that maybe some of you might have questions about me….or just questions in general that you might like me to answer.  I apologize if this seems all narcissistic of me, but I promise it’s not.  I just know that I love when other bloggers invite their readers to submit questions, (call it curiostiy…cue the Alice in Wonderland quote) so I thought maybe you guys might be interested.

I would like to come up with some type of recurring post that would involve you readers… something where you could send in a response and I’d post them on this blog.  Something like Nicole’s It’s a love story series.  One idea I had was to have you send in lists of things you love….and it would be called “Little things ________ Loves”….creative name right?  Sometimes my genius kills me.  OK…not really, but seriously…..I’d like some imput.  Is this a lame idea?  Do you have any better ideas?  Please let me know.  I’d just like a way to get to know you guys better.  

And another thing….I kinda suck at responding to people’s comments, and I’m trying to get better, but I wanted to let everyone know, if you ever have a question (or even just a comment) that you’d really like me to answer, then e-mail it to me @

and I promise I will try my very best to respond….as in I’ll for sure respond unless I’m in the hospital, or on vacation, or develop leprosy on my fingers and can’t type anymore.

Alright.  That is all.  Fire away blog friends!


  1. What about “Project LoveList”?
    It sounds fun!

  2. i love alice in wonderland.

    and your cute, sweet blog!

  3. See, you need my Alice in Wonderland fabric as well! 🙂

  4. I love the idea of lists from readers – I wish I could be organized enough to do something like that but I always end up forgetting, hehe.

  5. I love your idea for including your readers. I’ve been thinking about doing something like that myself. I can’t wait to see what you come up with! Also, I actually do have a question, so it was funny that you mentioned us asking you questions! I saw a comment of yours on Kassi’s blog that said, “down 6 lbs.” I’m at my normal weight, but I seem to get a little squishy in the winter because I can’t swim or jump on the trampoline like I do in the summer. What are you doing to burn some pounds? My exercise bike and extra fruit for snacks is doing NOTHING!

  6. Ummm “Little things Lindsay loves:
    Lewis Carroll’s Alice books.
    The end.”

    😉 Love your quote, and picture.

  7. At the moment I really have nothing productive to say. And I don’t even know that I really have anything to ask. But I always get sad when I ask my readers for feedback and then hardly anyone comments. Actually, I also get sad when they just write these kinds of comments too. So… I will think of something.

    Okay, here is a question for you that I have actually been wondering for a long time. How is it that Bob’s Red Mill is so big EVERYWHERE? And is everything really processed in just that one cute little place where we went and had lunch once or was that just some silly fantasy I had and they really have a big ugly-looking factory someplace where they actually make everything? I just feel like it is the ONLY brand I see of a lot of the stuff they make (like bran… why doesn’t anyone else make that?). I guess it makes more sense in the Portland area where it’s located, but I don’t even live in the northwest anymore! I know this really has nothing to do with your blog, but I feel like you might know because of your sweet Bob’s Red Mill connections.

    As for you idea for Little Things ______ Loves posts, I think it is a fabulous idea. Although I fear I would never be able to participate due to my lack of abilities in finding cute pictures online. But I guess not everything is about me. Haha.

  8. Great idea for a post.

    What is your favorite thing to do in Portland?

    What would your dream vacation be?

    When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

    Those are my questions 🙂

  9. very cute idea! I love so many things (haha) so I’ll be sending you some!

    Hope you had a great weekend Lauren! xox

  10. i LOVE both ideas. the little things we love idea and the questions for you.

    i’m still trying to decide for what i want you to guest post about – i’d like to have a little series like this also – and i definitely want you to be the first guest poster. im just struggling to figure out what i want it to be about.

    okay i have a question.

    i’m in a serious relationship. we’re talking about engagement and marriage right now – yay! – but i feel like my peers, the youth, people in their early 20s seem to be so ANTI-being committed to someone at an early age. i don’t get it. i think it would be fabulous to be young and married and be able to still goof off but have given forever to one another. how do you feel to be young and married? did you ever experience criticism from your friends and peers?

    weird question, very personal. i get it if you don’t want to answer but i’d love to hear your opinion.


  11. i love the little things we love idea! i would totally contribute 🙂

  12. I like what Nahl said, Project Lovelist. I also do love the name you came up with. Hmm…when I think of a question I will be back.

    Sarah Ann


  14. i am that same! i love doing those facebook things! i think this is a great idea…i am thinking of a question. but i will ask at the end..

    so i think the little things_____ loves series is such a cute idea! i totally think that you should do it! i would love to read that.

    alice in wonderland is the best. i am so excited to see the new on in March!

    okay here are my questions, which maybe you have already covered and talked about before but here goes:

    1. you said that you new some spanish because of your family! it made me curious as to how many place you have lived..where you grew many sibling..etc. you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to get that personal its okay 🙂

    2. what was your first job ever?

    3. what was your first memory? or are you like me, where you think you remember it, but it is probably just from hearing your family tell you about it, that you think you remember?

    4. if your house was burning down, and you had 60 seconds to grab something, what would it be? (this was from leap year)

    anyway, can’t wait to learn more about you! maybe i should do something like this. wait..i think i already share TMI…haha. love you lo! hope you are having a great day!

  15. I like the “Little things blank loves” thing. I’ve been wanting to do something similar. Then I remember that about 3 people read my blog. And..I have no original ideas for what I should have people say. If you get any great ideas that you decide you don’t want, send them my way 🙂

    Oh. And I am so the same with answering questions! I love it!

  16. I like the “Little things blank loves” thing. I’ve been wanting to do something similar. Then I remember that about 3 people read my blog. And..I have no original ideas for what I should have people say. If you get any great ideas that you decide you don’t want, send them my way 🙂

    Oh. And I am so the same with answering questions! I love it!

  17. Thanks for your kind comment on my blog 😀
    I think the ‘Little things ___ loves’ is a nice idea! I’ll send you some for sure 😀
    Try formspring for reader’s feedback


  18. i like the little things idea… fun fun

    i’ve already asked you my questions… so i’ll just wait until they come in the mail…. 🙂


  19. I don’t know why, but this is one of the funniest blogs I’ve read in soooo long. I just kept giggling! It put a huge smile on my face, so thanks!

    I also like the little things your readers love idea! I would lovelovelove to contribute!

    Here are my questions (which you may have blogged about before, and if so, sorry!):
    *What is your favorite book?
    *Do you like your job? And if so, what do you like about it?
    *Do you live close to your family? Are you close to them? If so, how?! And if not, how do you deal with that?

  20. I love filling out surveys and stuff, which is why I did it on my blog last week (which is also kind of embarrassing retrospectively).
    I would love if you did your little loves lists.
    Since I’ve become engaged my brain thinks of little else so my question is I do you have pictures of your wedding that you’d share (maybe you already have, I haven’t been reading for too long).
    My other question is can we be friends in real life 🙂 Your blog makes me so happy.

  21. I don’t think it’s lame at all. I’ll start. A little thing I love is my little man’s laugh when he’s really tickled by something!

  22. Thanks for the link to your wedding pictures. You two are soooooo cute and your wedding was really cute. I guess I need to find your anniversary post 🙂

  23. That is such a great idea. That’s a fun way for you to know your readers, and for your readers to better know one another. Love the idea…and I already have a question to e-mail you!

  24. Love your blog it’s SO cute!!

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