fill in the blank friday.

Hi friends!  First, just wanted to let you know that Kjersten over at Have a Cute Day will be featuring an outfit of mine sometime today on her lovely blog…along with a little list I came up with, so feel free to check it out if you get time.  

And just as a heads up…in conjunction with my New Year’s resolution of wearing more dresses, the chosen outfit is a dress.  I wore it to work the other day.  Still sticking with it…even in the cold of winter!  

ALSO…I hope you guys haven’t been feeling like I’m getting self-absorbed lately.  I feel like I’ve been writing about myself a lot lately, and linking to various places where I’ve been featured or done posts or whatever, but I promise I’m not getting a big head or anything.  I’ve just had quite a few people lately invite me to participate in various things in and around the blog world, and I love doing things like this.  If I ever seem like I’m getting all conceited and show-offy please, please, please let me know, because this is not my intent.  I still honestly can’t believe all of you pop by here to read what I have to say.  It seriously baffles me sometimes.  That said, I’m always open to input about what you’d like to see more of….more photos of pretty things, more fashion, more food, whatever.  Please fire away!  OK…now on to the main reason for this post……

Today, I am filling in the blank.  

I invite you to join me!
1.  Today I am feeling         relieved that it’s Friday!          .

2.  If I were you I’d         play hooky today.  My hubs won’t let me slough off so maybe i could live vicariously through you     .

3.  Love is:        HARD!!!  But so worth it    .

4.  I always          pee (you never know how clean the next bathroom will be)        before leaving the   house.

5.  I feel prettiest when I’m wearing     earrings…with anything  .

6.  If I had a million dollars I’d     buy a pair of Louboutin heels, a Michael Kors bag and invest the rest   .

7.  I’m looking forward to        a glorious weekend                  .

Feel free to answer these fill in the blank questions either in the comments below or you can “steal” this and post it on your blog as well.  Just curious to know how everyone else is feeling today.  I’m kinda… meh. You’d think I’d be better after having a short week, but not really.  Yay for the weekend!


  1. yay! i love fridays even though i don’t work nor do i go to school right now… but this friday (today) is especially exciting because it is my birthday! you can live vicariously through me… i’m confident it’ll be a great day. Have a great weekend!

  2. Happy Weekend! I so don’t feel relieved that’s it’s Friday. I go back to work tomorrow. 🙁 Can you hear me cry?!

  3. Hi, I “stole” your post and posted it on my blog…XD

    Happy weekend to ya~ 🙂

  4. I would do the list but a lot of my readers aren´t able to understand english….well.. maybe i´m gonna translate it…huh…maybee 🙂

  5. can’t wait to see your dress!

    and have a lovely day at work!

  6. 1. Today I am feeling happy cause it’s Friday, even though Fridays are the longest day of my life.

    2. If I were you I’d go thrifting today, or go back to bed.

    3. Love is wonderful, comforting, and fun.

    4. I always lock the puppy up and grab a diet coke before leaving the house.

    5. I feel prettiest when I’m wearing a dress!!!

    6. If I had a million dollars I’d pay off our house, go on vacation and invest the rest.

    7. I’m looking forward to the weekend, I just wish I had fun plans. Oh, and my wedding, I’m really looking forward to that too.

    Have a great weekend Lauren!

  7. 1. Today I am feeling: sore from the gym and happy i only have one job to report to instead of two. i’ll take the small victories i can get, haha.

    2. If I were you I’d: do more of these! they’re fun. 🙂

    3. Love is: the absolute best thing if done right, and the absolute worst if done wrong. thankfully, i think i did it right this time.

    4. I always: wish i could do more. whether it be as a girlfriend or a daughter or an employee or whatever. i always wish i could just do a little bit…more.

    5. I feel prettiest when I’m wearing: dresses and wedge heels in the summer. love it.

    6. If I had a million dollars I’d: get my mom a nice house wherever she wanted. buy M and i a nice house wherever WE wanted. and get my best friend out of debt.

    7. I’m looking forward to: sunday. so i can sleep! oh, and going back to the boondocks in a few weeks to visit family. 🙂

  8. 1. Today I am feeling a little stressed and less positive than normal.

    2. If I were you I’d give me a job, lol.

    3. Love is hard work but a fantastic ride.

    4. I always wake up in the middle of the night AT LEAST once.

    5. I feel prettiest when I’m wearing a dress.

    6. If I had a million dollars I’d stop worrying so much about money, buy a house, have a baby and WRITE.

    7. I’m looking forward to the day I DON’T have to be this worried over money!

  9. Hey girl! i am kinda Meh today too! i didn’t get anything done last night because i came home sick from work. sigh. oh well! i got lots of sleep, so that is good. i never think that you are big headed and concieted in anyway! i love you and your blog! i can’t wait to see your outfit, and i am going to try and do this fill in blank friday thing a little bit later!! love you!

  10. hey lauren….

    thanks for giving me something to do this morning! i am so bored at work!

  11. dude, you and your big ol’ head! jeez! 😉
    your fab and i love that you’ve been posting a lot about yourself. i personally love getting to know my favorite blog authors better.
    bees knees… nuff said.

    i’ve been bleh (or meh) all week. so i feel you.
    i just may have to ‘steal’ this for my post today…
    love it.
    love you.

    ps. cute cute outfit on Have a Cute Day! and what a cute blog that is… i like!

  12. I am so ready for the weekend too! I wish I could play hooky today but I can’t because of this stupid project 🙁

    Have a great weekend Lauren! xox

  13. These are fun!!

  14. i posted this on my blog if you want to check it out! 🙂
    i am so with you on #2.

  15. Hello! I just started reading you and I’m SO happy I did!
    Thank you for sharing your blog with me- -I look forward to reading more.
    Oh, and #2 is right up my ally right now. Honestly, I read it and was like “well, if she says it’s ok….” haha.
    Hope your weekend is wonderful

  16. yeah, i definitely on the relationships thing.
    i’m getting married in may, most likely.
    so i’m really super excited! very happy. 🙂

  17. dont be silly! we all read this blog cos we like reading about you!

    and keep up the good work with the dresses! Dresses are awesome 🙂 x

  18. 1. Today I am feeling: SICK

    2. If I were you I’d be thrifting but i cant even get out of bed.

    3. Love is:the most amazing feeling in the world! and the biggest choice you have to make!

    4. I always pee before leaving the house. bc most store dont have bathroom. and i dont want a UTI

    5. I feel prettiest when i wear feathers and i have my orange lipstick on.

    6. If I had a million dollars i woud buy a lot and build our dream home! donate some and then save the rest.

    7. I’m looking forward to: not being sick anymore.

  19. loved your list of things you love! so wonderful! and your outfit is so adorable!!! and i might just have to “steal” this. going to the bathroom before you leave!!! i love it. i do that too because you are so right you never know when you’ll be near one next!!

  20. Wow, what a lovely blog! I’m Gabrielle and i have just started blogging, I’m from New Zealand and so happy that i came across your blog. I don’t know any people on blogspot and am looking to venture out, my blog is if you wanted to stop by that would be fantastic! I have a lot to learn of this new and exciting blog world and am happy to follow your amazing blog 🙂
    Thank you!

  21. oh that was so lovely!!! ANd you are definitely NOT conceited dear!

  22. And I just realized I totally forgot to do this. This is a cool idea. And it’s still Friday and I feel like doing this…

    So Lauren (and everyone else) here is my list…

    1. Today I’m feeling: Super bored, alone, and exhausted.

    2. If I were you I’d go back to bed and sleep or take a warm bubble bath. 😉

    3. Love is: a big question mark, and will one day be found. hopefully.

    4. I always…need to pee (like twice)…before leaving the house.

    5. I feel prettiest when I’m wearing mascara, lipgloss, and a cute outfit (sometimes even just flip flops, jeans and some cute top).

    6. If I had a million dollars I’d save some of it, give some to my mom, attend school without any second guessing and worrying, give some to charity, buy a house and a car and well…then it would all be gone! 😀

    7. I’m looking forward to MY TRIP TO PHILLY. It’s about two months from today but still…woohoo!!!

    Loved doing this girl!!! 🙂

    Happy Friday. xoxo

    P.s. It sure is sucky I have to work this weekend (or any other weekend, too)…and unfortunately I won’t be able to have fun squeezed in. 🙁 :'(

  23. cute! although i must say i am NOT having a cute day. I am having a stressed day and i too cannot wait for the weekend!

    and i loved you loooong comment 🙂 stalk away my dear

  24. I totally don’t think you’re being conceited! And even if you were…it’s YOUR blog! BUT, I don’t think you are 🙂 I love your blog and all that comes with it. Also, I am totally jealous because I’ve only ever blogged somewhere else once. So I say soak it in!

    So..I teach jr. high. 7th and 9th grade. It is true that they are all-around punks, but some days they are just worse than others! Drives me crazy! Anyway..happy weekend!

  25. I totally don’t think you’re being conceited! And even if you were…it’s YOUR blog! BUT, I don’t think you are 🙂 I love your blog and all that comes with it. Also, I am totally jealous because I’ve only ever blogged somewhere else once. So I say soak it in!

    So..I teach jr. high. 7th and 9th grade. It is true that they are all-around punks, but some days they are just worse than others! Drives me crazy! Anyway..happy weekend!

  26. How fun! I may try something like this for one of my posts!

    1. Today I am feeling happy that it’s Friday!

    2. If I were you I’d be probably shopping or doing something else fun 🙂

    3. Love is: always worth it.

    4. I always wash my hands any chance I get.

    5. I feel prettiest when I’m wearing a nice outfit and my hair looks good!

    6. If I had a million dollars I’d pay off my debt, buy a house, and a car… and new clothes

    7. I’m looking forward to getting all of my work done for the weekend!

  27. #3 is so right. Sometimes when I think I might strangle my husband, I have to remember how much I love him, and how he loves and accepts me (with all my quirks and eccentricity) like no one else!

  28. hey friend,

    btw, thanks for the message on fb last night. just glad you read my rant. 🙂

    1. today i’m feeling …. blah.
    2. if i were you … i’d be sleeping, but no, i’m doing laundry. eecckk.
    3. love is … not for the faint of heart.
    4. i always … floss my teeth.
    5. i feel prettiest … when i’m wearing something comfy, and i don’t mean sweatpants and sweatshirts either 🙂
    6. if i had a million dollars … i’d pay off my student loans, travel the world and volunteer at which ever country i’m at to help their early childhood systems.
    7. i’m looking forward to … getting laundry done and going to uptown billiards tonight.

    happy friday lauren!

  29. I too am SO relieve that it’s Friday. Here’s to a fabulous weekend!

  30. 5.) I feel prettiest when I am wearing my LuLu Lemon pants ;):)
    Love your blog!!!

  31. Hoo boy, I got brave and posted the list on my blog. At first I thought it was pretty boring–blamed it on being middle-aged–but when I tried to say more and be more interesting, I think it got better. Thanks for a fun post!

  32. If you are being self-involved then that’s a good thing, because we LOVE knowing more about you. 🙂
    Here goes my Fill in the blanks:

    Today I’m feeling anxious to see how my Sisterhood of the Blogosphere project turns out-and to think I haven’t studied one bit. 🙁

    If I were you I’d wear a hot one shoulder shirt and flaunt it around-living in Pakistan doesn’t let one be so liberal with the way we dress cuz there are super conservative people all around and God, what if they think of us as sluts?!

    Love is worth it? Not worth it? I can’t make up my mind. Imagine a life without getting hurt, that would be awesome. But a life without those arms to cuddle into? Not worth it.

    I always put on perfume before leaving the house!

    I feel prettiest when I like what I see in the mirror. If I like it, then I don’t care what anyone else thinks.

    If I had a million dollars I would help Pakistan get rid of the bloody terrorists. For once and for all.

    I’m looking forward to My boy finally being free of the workload and enjoying a simple day out with him. 🙂

  33. I felt the same way all week! I kept thinking, “I’ve only been at work for two days?!!! Longest week EVER!” Ugh, I was so happy when the end of my work day came yesterday!

  34. 1. i am feeling happy to be alive!
    2. if i were you i’d drive to the beach to watch the sunset tonight.
    3. love is complicated
    4. i always brush my teeth before leaving the house.
    5. i feel prettiest when i’m wearing boots and a cute coat.
    6. if i’d had a million dollars i’d travel throughout the middle east. then move to portland (seriously!).
    7. i’m looking forward to the beach in one week!

  35. Cute list! My hubs won’t let me play hooky from work either! He says, “We’re not in college any more. We are adults with real jobs. Blah. Blah. Blah.” #6 I think I would do the exact same!

  36. Loubitons are so gorgeous/sexy/cute/fun. that would have been my answer too!

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