helping haiti by linking up.

This is a little questionnaire I got from Kassi at Bacwoods Fern.  She and her sister Keely are both donating $.25 to The Red Cross to benefit Haiti for each person who does this  “Getting To Know You” questionnaire and links it back here.

Today’s questions’s are…

1. Hair color..Au naturale..or not?
Sort of.  It’s my natural color, but I recently put a color gloss on it to make it look a little bit shinier.

2. If somebody has food in their teeth or lipstick on their teeth do you tell them?

For sure.  I hate walking around with crap in my teeth and realizing later that nobody told me.  That’s what friends (and nice strangers) do.

3. Would you rather have a million dollars or your vision of the perfect body?

I would pick my vision of the perfect body, because I’m assuming my perfect body includes perfect skin and hair too, so I’d save a lot of money if this were the case.  I’d never have to go to the gym, so I’d save on my monthly membership fees, and I’d save on all the other silly beauty products I fall prey to.  I’m a total sucker for cute packaging and empty promises.  So I’d get a hot body and have a some extra moolah in my bank account.

4. Favorite magazine?

My favorite magazine is…..all of them.  OK…not true.  But I honestly just love magazines in general.  I buy one at the grocery store almost every week.  Real Simple is my favorite….and Cooking Light.  It used to be Cottage Living, but they discontinued it :(.

5. Bra style..lacy or plain?

Both.  I like plain just because they don’t show through fitted shirts, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE lacy bras and definitely own a few of those too. 

6. If you walked into Victoria’s Secret..would you most likely come out with something sexy or comfy?

Sexy.  I love lacy underwear and lingerie.  Merry widows are my fave.

7. Do you fake and bake?

I did occasionally in college.  No longer though.  I don’t need any help with getting wrinkles.

8. What’s your favorite body part on a man?

Chest and shoulders.  Craig’s kind of a bean pole, but I like that he has a strong chest and shoulders because they make me feel protected and safe.

Please answer these questions for yourself and link them back here (using the McLinky)!


  1. thank you so much for doing this lauren!

    i love the picture of you and craig – you look GORGEOUS!

    i loved your answer for number three! 🙂

    thank you thank you thank you for linking up!!!


  2. OOoo, good answer for #3, I did the opposite, money so I could fix the bod, but I think I’d save a lot more money in the long run if I chose perfect bod.


  3. i like this. i’m copying exactly what you did here on my blog, cause i’m not sure how else i can be creative, plus it’s 9:16pm and i just had ice cream overload at coldstone, k? k.

  4. Too cute I like this!

  5. great answers, lovely survey 🙂

  6. I’m donating 50 cents for every person that comments on my blog in the next week, so stop by if you can! Any and all are welcome. I want to give lots of money to the relief effort!

  7. Fun answers! I pretty much love all magazines, too. The library in NW Portland has a system where people can bring in magazines they don’t want anymore and put them in a bin, and then anyone can dig through the bin and take them home. I’ve gotten literally hundreds of magazines that way! I was so bummed when Cottage Living was discontinued, too. Also Domino. Man, I loved that magazine.

  8. Great link/post! Loved your answers, esp #3! Had to do it also and I’m all linked up now!

  9. Thanks so much for linking up!! I loved Cottage Living too..:-(

    Great answers by the way!

    Oh and I love your blog design..clean..simple..Love it!

  10. This was so great, I think I’m going to do it on my blog! Fun answers too btw.

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