how did i not know about this?

Seriously???  …..This is a real sport?  Skiing with guns and then shooting things?  Really???  Could I possibly use any more question marks???  OK…but I just learned about this today, and am still having a hard time believing this is a real olympic sport.  Somehow this came up tonight and Craig was all…. “How did you not know about this?  This is awesome!  It’s right under curling in coolest winter olympic sports.”

Ummmm….first thing….I’m pretty sure male pairs figure skating (a’ la Blades of Glory) would be way cooler.  But seriously…am I the only person on the planet who didn’t know about this?

Oh…also….if you haven’t sent me a question yet, feel free to e-mail them or send me one via my formspring on the left sidebar!


  1. I’ll admit I only watched 30 seconds, but from what I saw.. that is ridiculous! What the hell?? I have definitely never heard of this! Just plain weird!

  2. HAHAH oh my, the things people come up with. i definitely DID NOT know about this. how are those things related!?

    by the way… thanks for always making my day {i’ve been unintentionally rhyming a lot these days.. haha} with your super sweet comments..
    and because you have been so sweet i am gonna let you in on a little secret.. i read basically 30 posts back in your blog. i just love it!!! and you and your hubby are way adorable!!!

  3. um, you’re not alone… what the heck! it’s pretty funny actually.

  4. I am in awe!!!

  5. Yeah, uh I am kinda speechless about this one! I had no idea there was something out there like this! But why am I surprised, there are some pretty crazy sports out there! Just found your blog & I’m really enjoying reading it

  6. omg u serious? i didnt noe tat as well! Love this post! thanks for sharing… its interesting to learn abt sumting new!

    O yes, i’m having a birthday giveaway so pop over to my blog soon! 🙂

  7. Haha. I’ve never heard of this sport. So random….

  8. I totally remember the first time I watched this sport on TV. I thought it was pretty awesome, and still do.

  9. That’s awesome and ridiculous!

  10. wow…I had never heard of this, much less seen it before watching this vid!

  11. Wow, this is the most random thing. I wouldn’t have put the two together ever. I may have to take up skiing! Maybe use a more high powered rifle, make things interesting!

  12. WHAT?!?! I’ve never heard of that before! It seems so ridiculous and made up, like maybe ice skating through the grocery store Supermarket Sweep style. That’s nuts!

  13. Nope, you are not the only one. I had no idea either! Bizarre!

  14. This isn’t an Olympic sport, but you definitely should look up “Finnish Wife-Carrying Contest” on Youtube. Very funny. Very, very funny.

  15. how are yall taking off for 3 weeks!?
    i think yall will be fine just be careful!!! ok God will protect you and you cant live in fear:)

  16. i’ve never seen/heard of this before either. how totally strange?! i recently found your blog, and i think it is lovely <3

  17. I actually met this guy at a party once who used to be an Olympian in this sport. He was a pretty normal guy, and I don’t think he would have brought it up, but his friend thought it was really cool. By the time I met him he was in his late forties. He said that one of the good things about this sport is that you hit your peak in your late twenties and early thirties, so it isn’t just young kids doing it.

  18. Why can’t more people save lives or garden??? Ha!

  19. huh? this is so weird. guns totally freak me out.
    i was thinking about what you wrote on my blog yesterday – if we were on the same bus – that would be so funny! i was recently thinking about this subject – lives intertwining, etc – because of something that happened on facebook. i wonder how many times people cross paths with people they currently know, will know, or “blog-know” (does that make sense?) and never even know it. just a fun thought! i love life! 🙂

  20. i can’t believe i didn’t know about this either!! where do i sign up??

  21. I have never ever heard of that. What a weird Olympic sport, or really, what a weird sport in general. I better not tell my husband, because he may want to start competing.

  22. I had no idea either and my husband laughed at me asking how could you knot know about this lol!! The things med will come up with:)

  23. I actually knew about this cause I am the type of person that stays up watching the olympics until it switches to live coverage at around 2 am. And I actually think it’s pretty sweet, even though I’m not huge on guns and cross country skiing makes me tired.

  24. haha are you serious!? that is crazy! i have never heard of that either! and i love blades of glory… “what does this look like to you?”

    “Twin Dongs. Matching Crotch Luggage….” hahaha
    love it. hope you are having a great day!

  25. I always dreamed of being an Olympic athlete and this might just be my in. I have to say though…it’s hard to top my most favorite winter sports: doubles luge and skeleton where you hurtle face first down a bobsled ice tube on a little sled with razor sharp runners. Oh the danger.

  26. this is so crazy! thanks for stopping by my blog!

  27. WHAT?! AHAHA this just made my day. I have never heard of this…I’m scared! lol

  28. Isn’t that sport so bizarre? I never watch it but the rest of the Olympics I watch every minute of.

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