my favorite thing about today #32.

My favorite thing(s) about today were….

{hanging out with my friend Casey & crafting headbands.}

{Getting my giveaway prize in the mail from Danielle!  Thanks Danielle!}

{Getting my new blog buttons…custom made by the lovely
Marisa Cherie!  Feel free to take one!}




{hosting a lovely scarf giveaway!}
If you haven’t entered yet, go here…read the rules and throw your name in the hat!
Hope you all had a terrific Tuesday!



  1. cute headband! I actually was crafty today too and made a bracelet 🙂

  2. Too cute 🙂 Sounds like fun.

  3. Your headband is so cute! Glad you could have some girl time!

  4. Looks like a very lovely day!! I wish we lived closer, craft days are the best!! And, I will help myself to a button. Much love!! xo

  5. cute headbands!

    i can’t wait to see what you make with the goodies you got from miss snow white herself! exciting!

    marisa is the best… so sweet (seriously, she is one of the cutest, sweetest most tiniest girls i’ve ever met) a total doll! glad she made your buttons for you. but why are there those little boxes above the copy and paste code?

    also, after getting your tweet, i put your button on my blog. 🙂

    mucho love my lauren!

  6. Just added your button!!! 🙂 I love it!! xo

  7. cute-as-a-button (giggle… i suck at puns!) all these things. LOVE the headband making with a gf, and the giveaway (both your win and the one you’re hosting).


  8. Yay! I want my own button!

  9. i’m so so determined to fix the button! i’ll work on it later with the help of my html savvy bf 🙂

    and gosh kassi, you made me blush! you’re the sweetest!

  10. Very sneaky, missy… I thought you were taking pictures of the felt only! It was fun seeing you, you brightened up my day 🙂 Now on to our next adventure… antiquing/thrift storing. It’s time to be deflowered!

  11. love the blog buttons! and the headbands? awesome! sounds like a great day lauren! and i love all the little treasures that you won from the giveaway! so cute!

  12. Love the headband! And the fun jewelry you won in the giveaway! I won my first giveaway a few weeks ago, and then the next day I won another one! I heart giveaways. So glad you’re hosting mine!

  13. cute headband my dear.

  14. lauren you are such a cutie pie. always leaving everyone the sweetest comments. you seem like such a thoughtful and selfless person. congrats on your giveaway wins– its so fun to win things!

  15. LOVE the headbands!

  16. yay good job MC!!!

  17. I love the headband… you are so creative.

  18. what pretty headbands! I love how crafty you are!

  19. those headbands are adorable!!!

  20. love the headband! but those kinds always slip off my head! i think it’s my hair, it’s too straight/fine and it makes it slip. i often have to put a hair pin tucked behind my ears.

  21. Anonymous says:

    I was wondering where you got the pieces for the clock in your pictures of your house? I have been wanting to make a clock similar to that for while but I am having trouble finding the pieces to put it together, I LOVE yours!

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