playing tag.

So…I was tagged to share 7 things about myself by beautiful Brandi.  I almost didn’t do it since I’ll be answering some of the questions I received from you guys soon, but I’m a sucker for these things…total sucker.  So…if you’re sick of hearing me talk about myself, feel free to tune out.  I completely understand.  I really only do these things more for myself…because you know I love a good list :).

So…without further ado….

7 things about me:
1.  I ride public transit once a week when I have to work the early shift.  That day was today, and I kinda hate it.
2.  I rarely (if ever) brush my hair.  It’s taken me almost 25 years to figure out that brushes are the demise of my curly hair…also any type of hair touching.  I’ve had a lot more “good hair days” since I figured this out.
3.  I had a cat when I was a kid named Cupcake.  I also had a dog named Ruffles.  I was super girly.
4.  One word my family would use to describe me is:  Compassionate.  When I was little we went to the pound to get a dog, and I laid eyes on the token Saint Bernard.  I cried and told my dad the dog was sad and he really wanted to come home with us.  They tried to explain that Saint Bernards just have sad looking faces, but I didn’t get it.  They told me we didn’t have room for a dog that big in our little California apartment, I still didn’t get it.  Eventually they side-tracked me with a little black pomeranian (Ruffles!).  Also, one time my dad took a homeless man to lunch at McDonald’s and when I found out he didn’t have a home I tried to convince my dad that he should come live with us.  Somehow my dad wriggled out of that one too.
5.  My favorite animal at the zoo is the hippo.  I think because hippos are so elusive.  They’re always hiding everytime I go.
6.  I like snowboarding.  But I hate being cold, and I don’t really love snow either.
7.  I want to have 2 kids…and maybe adopt one (one day…).  If I can’t have my own, I’ll just adopt more.  I’ve always wanted to adopt a Guatamalan baby. 
Now you know some new random
tidbits about me
I tag…. not sure how many I was supposed to tag….
Nicole Marie from La Mia Vita
Caroline from Cour de la
Stacey from Bohemian Chic
Danielle from dinosaurtoes
If I didn’t tag you, I’d still love to get to know you better, so leave an interesting (or just plain random) fact about yourself in the comments below!


  1. I never brush my hair either. It’s pretty wavy, and I just realized last year that brushing waves makes it really fluffy. I don’t know why it took me so long to realize something so simple.

  2. i agree,i have much better hair days when i don’t brush my hair… that’s why i haven’t in ten years. my mom and tannyn tell me to all the time though.
    i like hippos too

    i think brandi tagged danielle…. so she’s been tagged twice… i guess that means she has to do 14 random facts… 😉

  3. i hardly brush my hair too! and hippos are super awesome. i love the names of your animals when you were growing up! we had a dog named Cherry Pie. My great grandpa named her and gave her to us. She was the cutest thing ever! I am such a sucker for a puppy face. I can imagine you being little and feeling so sad for the Saint Bernard!

    and i like snowboarding too, but honestly? i do not love being cold. my siser and i were just talking about this. Why pay to be cold? i would much rather be sitting inside warm by the fire. but it is fun to go out and do every once in a while. i loved learning more about you! i got tagged on one of these things too so i will probably do it tonight! hope you are having a good day!

  4. i just found out about brushing and curly hair too! haha. and and hippos are the best.
    i loved this list!

  5. So the creepy things in common continue…
    I have the same kind of curly hair…
    but I gotta say, Beluga Whales are my fave.

  6. i LOVE your glasses. adorable. i wish i could pull off some specs

  7. Thanks for saying “ruffles.” Now all I can think about are those cheddar and sour cream chips…

  8. Thanks for saying “ruffles.” Now all I can think about are those cheddar and sour cream chips…

  9. I love these because then I can find even MORE blogs to stalk!

    I think your compassionate side is really sweet. If there were more people that acted like that this world would be pretty darn great.

  10. haha I hardly ever brush my hair either (and it’s straight!) I can’t go to the pound because I just want to adopt them all! I have way too much love for canines 🙂

  11. I definitely want to adopt kids someday, too. I guess my feelings are, what’s the point in giving birth to kids if I could instead be adopting and loving a kid that no one else wants?

  12. my name is lauren too:)
    cupcakes and ruffles? oh man, TOO good.

  13. those are the cutest pet names : )

  14. i am adopted myself, and i definitely plan on adopting one day! 🙂

  15. yay! you did it too! Thanks love!
    its so fun to read these bc i feel like i know you more!
    you are compassionate. we have similar stories:)
    hahaha i also hate being cold and snow is pretty but eh.
    i too snowboard:) but love spring snowboarding!
    i want 2 kids too..i used to say 3 but man i dont want to be prego so many times!
    Hippos? thats cute:)
    and your photo is so cute i love that look on your face!

  16. i don’t brush my hair too often either. curly and combs don’t mix!

  17. Lauren…

    You are the coolest!!!! Loved this post and learned more about you… thanks for tagging me and so glad to of found you in this great blog community!! xo

  18. why are hippos so damn elusive?? they’re always hiding when I go to visit them as well! also, i’m pretty sure that cupcake and ruffles are the two cutest pet names ever.

  19. Oh you are so cute in your pic! Love the glasses on you! I’m so with you on your #6. I have a season pass at Mammoth but refuse to go when it’s too cold and windy.
    LOVE the pet names! My first dog was a cocker mix I named “Lacey”.
    Thanks for your comment!

  20. i love seeing the hippos at the zoo!
    the only zoo i’ve been to is the st. louis one.
    and the hippos aren’t too elusive there.
    they are always down in the water swimming up to the glass window, getting all up in your face.
    and they are so cute and adorable. 🙂

  21. oh, gosh… i’m glad to hear that i’m not the oonly one that doesn’t brush their hairs often.

    and wouldn’t EVER be able to go to a pound. it would just break my heart in to pieces!

  22. Um. I know this is kind of late but I just stumbled upon your bloggy and am in total LOVE. But what I really want to know is… where’d you get your glases? xo

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