simpler times, lovelier clothes.

Lately I’ve been completely drawn to fashion of the 1950’s.  The clothes back them were so feminine and pretty.  As much as I am thankful for the advent of sweats, I do sometimes wish that it were less socially acceptable to wear them in public.  Back in the day, the social norm was to wear heels and pearls to the grocery store…Craig’s grandma has told me that she never would’ve dreamed of going grocery shopping in anything other than a dress.  While I’m glad that I don’t feel pressure to do the same, I think it would be nice to get more dressed up in my everyday life.  I’m probably thinking of this because of my New Year’s resolution to wear more dresses.   Anyway, whatever the case, here is some vintage fashion loveliness I am currently drooling over.

{all photos via myvintagevogue}
{note:  I know swimwear has nothing to do with dresses, but I love them}

Hope you all have a lovely Monday.  Hope your week flies by…although I think this will be doubtful for me after all these short weeks I’ve had.  I’ll try to be optimistic though :).
OH….and P.S.  I added a formspring to my sidebar, so if you have any questions you want to ask me… shoot!  I’m not that exciting, but….you never know….there might be something you’d like to ask me one day :).


  1. awwww lovely lovely lovely!

    i love vintage fashion too! I just wish I owned more vinatge things! x

  2. These are all gorgeous! The swimsuits are amazing.

  3. I love the 1950s! I love the swimwear sooooo much!!! I love their dresses, hair, makeup, and their bodies!! They were soo beautiful!

    And..they were classy..not trashy 😉
    even their trashy was classy really.

  4. That was my new years resolution last year (to wear more dresses). I’d say I held to it. By far the best decision I’ve ever made! It made me feel so nice going out a little more put together. The only down side is a lot of people ask why I am so dressed up.

    PS. Mod cloth has awesome 50’s shaped dresses right now!

  5. Oh, yes, I will date myself by saying I remember these styles. The mother-daughter dresses made me chuckle – they were very popular back in the day. I had to wear dresses to school (I’m 55). We weren’t allowed to wear pants to school until my sophomore year of high school, in 1970.

  6. You should check out Etsy if you want authentic 1950’s clothing. There are several top notch sellers there!

    A couple of my favs…

  7. I love the 1950’s – I feel like I should have been born during that decade! I have so many dresses from that time period. Women definitely looked classier back then. Although I agree with you, I’m glad I don’t have to get dressed up to go to the grocery store. I love my jeans and sweatshirts 🙂

  8. love love love!! i especially love the pin-up”esque” style dresses! so adorable!

  9. GORGEOUS pictures! They are all one more fantastic than the other!

  10. pretty pretty pretty.
    i am so grateful that i have many gorgeous dresses of my grans that fit me… now i just need an excuse to wear them!

    love this post. love the pics.

  11. LOVE this era! Everything about it, especially the fashion!

  12. I love this style, but just wish I could actually pull them off! I love those swimsuits too!

  13. I LOVE clothes from this era!

  14. love the 50s. and I hope this week goes by slowly. I want to stretch break as much as possible!

  15. i’m totally diggin’ this post! we should bring back the style. dress and heels to the grocery store!

  16. they are all beautiful… especially the adorable matching mom and daughter! (who knew polka dots and beige could go so well together!)
    but i know what you mean about the sweats… imagine if all you needed was bread and milk and you have to squeeze into a garter belt and a pencil skirt to make a run to the corner store? they never had the choice, but we do. it just takes a little effort to make the fashionable choice every day 🙂

  17. Love the patterns and silhouettes and all of it!

  18. Lovely swimsuits and dresses. I remember back in elementary school, all I wore was dresses. I did not wear pants until 6th grade, and that wasn’t very often. I did feel pretty.Your great grandmother, abuelita, wore pretty dresses when she went to the grocery store and any other time that she went out, and she always wore makeup and lipstick. Times have changed.

  19. aw I love these! Especially the bathing suits..sigh

  20. oh me too i love these!! i might buy a retro style bathing suit this summer!

  21. I am in love with this post. I literally saved every single image onto my computer. Vintage style is so inspiring! If only I had lived 50 years ago.

  22. love the vintage swimwear!! so cute.

  23. i LOVE this post. i totally feel the same way. since i’ve worked at Anthropologie I’ve dressed up more in my everyday life. now if only i could get my fiancee to do the same… 😉

    i only saw my grandmother wear pants when she went to work, and they were dress pants. she always wore dresses. and when my mom was little she made three meals from scratch and baked a pie every single day. that’s like superwoman these days!

  24. i feel the same! i am not very good at wearing dresses and skirts too often, but i so often wish that was the norm. i love the look of the 50’s! it seems like the nicer people dress, the nicer they carried themselves and treated other people. i dunno, that probably makes no sense, but i think that these women look so happy and glowing in their cute outfits! i love it. now don’t get me wrong, i am totally about the whole sweats thing, but i feel like you do. if it were less acceptable then i would probably try harder to dress nicer! maybe i still will 🙂

    anyway, just emailed ya! hope you have a great night Lo!

  25. first of all: thanks for the most delightful comment ever! you are way too sweet!
    second: i am so jealous of your will power to do a cleanse! oh how i wish i could do a cleanse (i’ve probably told myself i would do a cleanse about hm 100 times) diets are a bummer. when are they going to invent something where we can eat everything we want and never gain weight! haha.
    third: your conversations with your husband is so adorable i love it!
    lastly: 1950s= AHHHMMMAZING! Now and Then is my favorite movie. and i’ve always declared i was born in the wrong time period.
    love the post!

  26. Oh my goodness. I love your blog!! Beautiful!

  27. great post.

    i honestly think i belong in the 50’s.
    classy-ness all around. i love it.

    this should be one of my goals this year.
    to look more feminine. 🙂

  28. I adore the styles of days gone by, and I tell my husband all the time that I wish I had reasons to dress up more often. I also wish I could get away with wearing a 1950’s swimsuit without getting strange looks on the beach!

  29. i think i was born in the wrong era. i wish the 50’s style dresses were back in fashion, it would be so awesome to get to wear one of those everyday!

  30. I was watching “I love Lucy” last night and Ethel and Lucy were going somewhere on the subway and Ethel refused to go in her blue jeans. She had to go and change into a dress and swing coat because she said she had never been seen on the subway in blue jeans! haha, things have certainly changed. 🙂

  31. LOVE the bikini!! and how i wish my hair could look like that…

  32. i’m not sure i’m feeling it. DOn’t get me wrong, I LOVE dresses and skirts, but I don’t know if such silhouettes as shown in these pictures is me. Neither is the hair. I’m more of the long and thick type. =)

  33. I completely agree! Fashion was so much better back then.

  34. I love 1950’s clothes…. ahhhh LOVE!!! Hope you have a lovely, lovely day!! xo

  35. Pretty pretty pretty! I resolved last year to wear more dresses and I am so glad I did! It’s nice to be feminine 🙂

    And your comment made me smile today…I was having a decidedly un-adorable moment, so it was needed!

  36. I totally agree with the whole sweats thing. I wish in someways, we all made a bit more of an effort to dress up for casual day-to-day business.

    Simpler times…

    Your blog is beautiful, and I love Portland so much. I take the train there from Vancouver (Canada) at least once a year.

  37. a girl in love with ’50s fashion is a girl after my own heart! love the pics you posted and i think i may have to add “wear more dresses” to my 2010 resolutions as well! by the way, i stopped over here via Krysten at ‘After I Do’. have a great week, and i’m looking forward to reading more of your posts!

  38. My grandmother and I were just having this convo. Bc her photos are so glamourous and the movies we watch all the women are done up. EVEN NURSES! now Nurses wear scrubs, I can wear whatever i want and it makes me sad. I kinda want pressure to fix myself up:( the rollers the night before no thanks maybe for one night??? I want a 1950s swim suit so bad!
    Love this post

  39. i recently fell in love with mad men and it was mostly due to the fantastic CLOTHES! the 50s and 60s had some serious style. women wore hats and red lipstick. puffy skirts every day! and they didn’t have to be tiny to be beautiful. that’s my favorite part. i love these photos!

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